park soondeok - surprise ft. wang eun

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A gasp escaped your lips as you felt someone squeeze your sides.  "Hey!" you nearly shouted, turning to face the culprit until you came face to face with Soondeok.  "What did you do that for?!"

Your best friend let out a laugh, her head tossing back as she did so.  "I scared you, didn't I!"

"Yes!  Yes, you did!  Tell me, what was it for?" you huffed, rather upset.  

She softly giggled before she grinned at you.  "My husband told me to go and see if I could surprise you . . . I guess it worked," she stuck her tongue out at you.  Your eyes widened slightly - ever since she married Eun, she became more and more childish.

"Where is Eun?" you crossed your arms over your chest.  "Let us go and scare him if he thinks he is so funny sending you to scare me."

Her eyes widened before she grinned once more.  "I like how you think, Y/n," she said.

The two of you carefully stalked along, Soondeok taking the lead to find her husband.  You stayed close behind, the two of you not paying attention to was creeping up behind you until you two were suddenly grabbed.  Soondeok let out a scream and you immediately went to draw your sword until you heard the loud laugh of Prince Eun himself.

"Prince!" you scolded, a frown of frustration on your face.  He only laughed more, pointing at his wife.

"You should have seen your face!" he snickered at the woman who huffed this time.

"We were supposed to scare you," she softly pouted at her husband.  Eun stuck out his tongue at her before he grinned, kissing her cheek.

"Maybe another time," he let out a soft laugh.  You simply rolled your eyes at the two.

(word count: 299)

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