haesoo - never change

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A wide smile spread across your face as you watched Haesoo closely.  The smug woman had to be the cutest thing you had ever laid eyes on.  You stopped practicing with your bow and arrow, carefully sitting it down before you made yourself over to the young woman.

She looked up at you and smiled widely.  "Prince Y/n!  How are you doing?" she asked you, turning to face you.

You smiled softly at the woman, tilting your head at her cuteness.  "How in the world do you manage to do that?" you asked her.

"Do what?" she curiously inquired.

"Change so fast.  You were scolding Eun," you chuckled softly, looking towards the retreating prince before you returned your eyes to Haesoo, "And now you are so cheerful.  I do not understand."

"It is acting, my prince," she bowed her head to you before she looked up at you and winked.  "It truly comes naturally.  If you will excuse me, Lady Hae is expecting me," she bowed fully this time and turned away from you.  She walked off and you watched her retreating form with curiosity.  

"Never change, Haesoo," you mumbled under your breath.  "Never change."

(short but simple)

(word count: 198)

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