wang eun - playful

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"Y/n!  Come and play a game with me!" Wang Eun exclaimed, his hand grabbing onto your arm.  "Please?" he deeply pouted when you gave him an uncertain expression.

"Fine," you faintly smiled at him.  The man pulled you along, smiling to himself.  "What are we going to play, Eun?"

"Hide and go seek.  But when I find you, I get to kiss you," he grinned back at you.  Your eyes widened slightly but you nodded in agreement.

"Fair enough.  How much time do I have to hide?" you asked.

"You will have until I count to sixty," he said, letting go of your hand as he walked up to a wooden post and covered his eyes.  "One, two, three . . ."  

Immediately, you took off running past several princes; Wang Yo shot his brother Wang Wook a look.  Why was a princess running from them?  Wang Wook motioned to Eun - the two immediately understood.  They were just playing a game.  You ran towards the court ladies rooms, looking around.  You spotted a court lady and gently grabbed her arm.

"Where's a good hiding place?" you asked her.  She looked at you before she pointed to a rather large tree just a little past the building.  You nodded slightly and ran to it.  Now, all you had to do was wait for Eun to come to find you.

"Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty!  Ready or not, here I come!"  You could hear Eun shout.  He began to run off in the direction he thought you ran off to.  It would not be until a few minutes later when Eun asked a few court ladies where you had ran off.  He began to walk towards the court lady rooms, looking around.  "Y/n?  Where are you?" he called out, walking towards the tree.  He was breathing hard - he must have been running the whole time.  He leaned against the tree for a moment before he heard you giggle.  His head shot around the tree and he grinned when he saw you.  "Y/n!" 

You jump up, looking over at the man with a smile.  You pointed to your cheek; he found you so now he got to kiss you.  Eun grinned and shook his head, "Not on your cheek."

"Then where?" you tilted your head, watching him for a moment.  He grinned at you before he suddenly cupped your cheeks, pressing his lips to yours.  Your eyes grew wide but you slowly kissed the man back, gently gripping onto his wrists.  Games were fun . . . this was always the best part.

(word count: 431)

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