wang baekah - paintings

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It seemed that all Baekah ever did these days was paint - he would paint, and he would paint until he physically ran out of paint.  But he would never let you see what he was painting.  Was he painting an animal?  A person?  Nature in general?  Hell, you sure could not figure it out.  You deeply wished he would show you but he never seemed to want to show you.  So you just stopped bothering him.

You sat alone against the river, your fingers gently running through the flowing water.  Baekah could be seen (if you were paying attention) across the river and with his paints and brushes.  A pad of paper was in his lap.  Baekah never went anywhere with it.  Baekah looked up at you every now and then and just watched.  It would not matter what you were doing - he was utterly fascinated by you.  How could someone be so beautiful?  He would never know, just like you would never know about his paintings.  

Your time would be cut short.  You were falling ill and quickly if I might add.  It was too late to save you - Lady Oh tried everything she could.  Baekah did not go to see you.  You did not think anything of it - you would get better and then you could bug him about not seeing you.  But you, unfortunately, were not able to bug the prince about not seeing you.  You did not come back and Baekah was left in his bedroom with the paintings of the woman he loved - the paintings of you.

(word count: 267)

Moon Lovers:  Scarlet Heart Ryeo One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora