wang yo - liar liar

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Wang Yo tightly gripped onto your wrist, shoving you against the wall.  He looked down at you, his wife.  "You think I care what you have to say?  I am doing all of this for you and you do not appreciate anything I do for you!  Why can't you just be grateful that I married you?"

"You said you loved me," you tried to wrench your arm away from the man.  "You said you cared for me and that is why you married me.  Not so you would have a shot at getting the throne.  Yo, you do not need the throne to be happy . . . please see it through my eyes."

"I need the throne!" he shouted at you, his grip only tightening on your arm.  "My mother will forever hate me if I do not become king.  You do not realize that this is the only thing I have ever wanted.  I never wanted for you to become my wife just to talk me out of becoming king," he glared darkly.  Your eyes widened as you looked up at the prince, a sad expression on your features.  Yo watched you for a moment before he took a deep breath.

"I see how it is," you whispered, your eyes not meeting his.

"Y/n, please," he softly said.  "I need you.  I need this.  I need to be a king.  I do not wish to be looked down upon."  You squeezed your eyes shut as he gently pressed his lips to your cheek.  You slowly looked up at the man.  "I am sorry," he whispered, "I just need you to understand.  I am doing this for us.  For our family."

"Our family," you softly said, not looking away from him.  He immediately nodded, pulling you close to his chest.  Of course, you did not know he was just saying this.  He was doing it for himself; for his mother.  He could not care less about the little life the two of you had created; he could care less about your six-month-old daughter.  His eyes were on the throne and that was that.

"Our family," he nodded slightly, holding you close.  "I love you, Y/n."

"I love you, too, Yo."

(word count: 371)

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