wang yo - family

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A small child ran down the palace hallways, squeals escaping her small frame.  Her father followed close behind and you merely took your time, watching the two with soft eyes.  Your daughter lets out a shrill scream as her father, Yo, lifted her up.  He let out a triumphant laugh, pulling her small body close.  

"Soomi, stop screaming," you let out a laugh as you walked over to your small family.  Soomi looked up, whining in response.  For a four-year-old, she was extremely loud - possibly even louder than Eun, at times.  Yo leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek - you only smiled.

Soomi wiggled in her father's arms, trying to get away.  "Appa!" she cried out, throwing her head back against his chest.  This annoyed Yo greatly.  You let out a soft sigh and cupped your daughter's cheeks.

"Enough, little one.  Your appa leaves for a hunt soon.  Let him love you."  Soomi watched you for a moment before she nodded.  Yo pulled the girl closer as she turned to face him, her small arms wrapping around his neck.  Using his free arm, he pulled you close to his side.  You gently gripped onto his robes, smiling against him.

"My beautiful family," he softly said.  "I will miss you both on my trip," he kissed Soomi's forehead.  Soomi hugged onto her father before she moved into your arms.  "Stubborn child," Yo softly scoffed but only pulled the two of you closer than before.

(word count: 248)

Moon Lovers:  Scarlet Heart Ryeo One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora