wang moo - mad ft. wang so

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(again, for the sake of this one shot, things will be slightly modified)

You watched your husband in utter horror - was he mad?  You gently took your husband's hand, rubbing small circles on his palm.

"Moo, please, look at me," you softly said, attempting to make him look at you.  "Your daughter does not deserve this.  She is a little girl-"

You were cut off mid-sentence as the king suddenly backhanded you, sending you to the floor.  You let out a sharp gasp, a hand immediately pressing to your cheek as tears welled in your eyes.  The king glared down at you, not even flinching at the sight of his once beloved wife.

"You will not tell me what is right and what is wrong!  I will have you killed!"

Wang So, having heard the commotion, immediately intervened.  He rushed to your side, helping you to sit up.  He looked up at the king, bowing his head for a moment.

"Your Highness," he said, holding you close to his chest.  "I will marry your daughter.  I will also keep your wife with me until you believe she has learned her lesson for talking back to you."

Wang Moo seemed to consider this before he gave a small nod.  "Very well, then." was all he said before he stormed off to your shared bedroom.  

You watched the man in horror, tears steadily rolling down your cheeks.  You slowly look up at your savior.  "Prince So . . ."

"My queen, you must not speak back to him," he frowned deeply as he helped you to your feet.  "I am afraid our Wang Moo is no longer with us."

"What has happened to him?"  you asked, choking back your sobs.  You loved your husband with all your heart - of course, you wanted to know.  But you could only feel your heart drop to the floor.

"I believe he is driving himself mad.  It will not be long until . . ."

"Until what?"

"Until he could end up dead." 

(word count: 339)

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