Chapter Three

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"Ryder!" my mother screamed grabbing my arm and shaking violently. Her words pierced into my dreams and pulled me back to reality.

"What?" I asked annoyed, opening my eyes and rubbing them to dissolve the sleepy state I was in.

"It's already eleven o'clock! Get out of bed," she commanded. I sighed, but followed her orders.

As I pulled myself out of bed, I strongly considered using my magic to lock her out of my room until I was ready to wake up, but I decided against it. I still hadn't told her I had magic and I wasn't planning on it.

"I made you breakfast. It's waiting on the table," she said, switching into her nicer side.

"Thanks," I said, walking out of my room and downstairs like a zombie. As I half walked, half stumbled down the stairs I heard my mothers chuckle rise up behind me.

"You really aren't a morning person are you?"

She was completely incorrect. I'm fine in the mornings but after using my magic to travel a far distance and then to stop a murderer, I was drained of energy.

"You're right. I'm definitely not a morning person," I answered instead of telling her the real reason I was tired.

"Lets get some energy in you, then," she said optimistically, as we entered the kitchen.

"Your meal, sir." She lifted her finger and pointed dramatically

I looked and saw she was pointing at a plate of steaming scrambled eggs.

"Thanks," I mumbled before attacking the plate and devouring the eggs. After a few minutes, there was no evidence that anything was ever on the plate.

"Wow. You may not be a morning person, but you can sure eat fast in the morning," my mom remarked.

"Mom, you sound like you've never even seen me before. Of course I eat fast - I always have. You know that." Her comments seemed weird to me, but I just ignored that; maybe she had a bad past few days.

She smiled without answering, and walked over to the television that we kept only a few feet away from the table. She picked up the remote and turned it on, leaning against the table and drumming her fingers against the edge.

That was weird. I knew something was up. Mom never did mindless things like watch television, or drumming her fingers on the table.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, trying desperately to sound as casual as possible.

"Better than ever," she said in an ecstatic voice. Definitely not my mother; she had answered that question maybe once in my life. And the answer would never be 'better than ever'. I knew for a fact that she would most likely go on to explain to me in detail everything she had to do that day.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I knew I was walking on dangerous waters, but I needed to figure this out. After all, I had magic. And if worse came to worse, I would just use that.

"Of course I'm okay." Her tone became impatient, but she didn't show any signs of worry.

"Okay. I'm going for a walk," I said, walking out of the kitchen.

"No, you're not," my 'mother' yelled as she followed me out of the kitchen and into the front hallway.

"Yes, I am," I answered in a calm tone, and opened the door.

"I told you no," she exclaimed, putting herself between myself and the outdoors. Okay. This was definitely out of character.

"Why not then?" I challenged.

"Because it's cloudy outside. It's going to storm," she answered. I laughed at this. The sky behind her was bright and sunny, not a cloud to be seen in the sky. Whoever this woman was, she wasn't good at thinking on the spot.

"No, it's not," I said, pointing. She raised a hand which at first I thought was to silence me, but instead, a thin line of light blue color shoots out of her hand. Someone who had never used or seen magic before would not have spotted it, but fortunately I had.

As the small tendril of blue light hit the sky, dark clouds appeared and spread across the entire horizon, turning the sunny day into a stormy one.

"Who are you?" I whispered in horror as a demonic smile appeared on her face.

"I'm your worst nightmare."

~+ Uncontrollable+~

Hopefully this chapter was interesting enough for you! Thanks for reading and I really hope you're enjoying this!

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