Chapter Twenty-One

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"Lets go there," I exclaimed, glee lacing my voice. My heart was pumping, adrenaline and magic rocketing through my veins.

"Okay. But you're going to need to be logical," Bruno said, locking eyes with me. His voice made it sound as if he cared about me, but his eyes told a different story. He didn't trust me.

"I will," I assured. There was a tension forming in the room, much stronger than it should have been.

"Okay then," Grey said, clearing his throat and breaking the silence. "Lets go then."

A scrawny, squat, red-headed man was standing at the screen. On the screen was a dirt road surrounded by forest on either side. In the road, was my mother, her brown hair much longer than it used to be, nearing her waist line. She was dressed in tatters, all gray but covered in stains and rips.

She was clearly conscious, but it looked as if some invisible force was holding her onto the ground. Just seeing her alive brought tears to my eyes, although I fought hard to suppress them.

"Everyone ready?" Grey asked.

"Yes!" The words came out of my mouth before anyone else's.

"Okay then."

I was shaking with anticipation as the man in front flattened his palm against the screen.

A large white sphere appeared, streaming out of the screen and then forming in front of us. As it happened, wind began blowing through the room, getting stronger as the sphere of energy configured.

Once the ball was as large as the screen itself, I felt a tug as if it was pulling me toward it.

"On three, you have to jump into the sphere!" Grey screamed, locking eyes with me. I nodded.

"And then, once you get in you have to imagine the place that you just saw vividly. You need to want to go there," Bruno finished.

I nodded once again. I would do anything to get my mother back.

"Okay," Grey said. Then the countdown began.




I used my force and threw myself into the ball of light and energy, everyone else around me doing the same. Our heads all slammed together, but it didn't hurt. It felt as if our entire bodies were condensing and morphing to fit into the ball.

Then I was thrown into a world of white, with no visible or clear boundaries, everyone who had been standing around me began floating away from me, the space between us growing larger and larger. We surged forward in the seemingly endless world, wind pushing against us.

"Grey!" I screamed, my heart pumping. What if I didn't make it out of here? What if I didn't complete the steps correctly?

The people who had been so close to me now felt miles away, some gone completely. The way that we seemed to be hovering surrounded by no hard ground just made me more edgy.

"What?" Grey's irked voice bellowed. It came from somewhere to my left. I swiveled my head but wasn't able to pinpoint the exact spot.

"When do I complete the steps you listed to me?" I asked, raising the volume of my voice to a point where it hurt my throat.

My eyes darted back and forth, panic overtaking me. I couldn't get lost in this empty world of white; I wouldn't.

"Now!" he barked back, his voice iced in graveness. The way he said it created more butterflies in my stomach.

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