Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Your mother is gone."

I averted my gaze downward toward where my mother was laying before. There was nothing.

"No," I said, my heart beating fast and beads of sweat forming on my hands and the back of my neck. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"My mother disappearing; that's not possible. She was here just a moment ago!" I exclaimed, exasperation, anger, and despair and clashing in my voice at once. A similar war was raging inside my head, the emotions battling to see which ones could become the most dominant.

"I hope by now you've learned that nothing is impossible in this world. You yourself disappear from the places all the time. The only difference is that when you do it it's intentional," Bruno explained.

"Okay, honestly, that doesn't matter right now. What do you think happened?" I had no patience for extra and unnecessary information. I had one goal: find my mother.

"I have no idea. I mean whoever kidnapped her could have done this but we'd have no way of know," Bruno said. "But the most important thing for you to do is stay calm. Don't freak out - freaking out just clouds your mind."

I nodded slowly.

"What did you see? Tell me exactly what you witnessed," I commanded. That seemed like the right place to start.

"I didn't see anything. You ran into me, sounding somewhat distant, and I was coming back to the planning room because I figured that what your mother wanted to tell you in privacy was already finished. I went back there to try to find a clue that Grey may have left here as to where he may have disappeared to, and then as I walked in, your mother just disappeared before my eyes, veil and all. It looked as if she was transporting herself although she doesn't have magic."

"Wait, you don't know where Grey is?" I decided to stray off topic just for a moment realizing that this could also be important information to have as well.

"No; he disappeared without a trace after you began confronting him in the planning room yesterday. No one has heard from him and no one has a clue where he is," Bruno explained. His voice sounded mostly neutral but there was an underlying anger like a beast just waiting to be unleashed.

"Interesting," I remarked. "So he must be hiding from someone or something."

"That or he's just gone insane," Bruno answered, rolling up his sleeves and leaning against the table that sits in the middle of the room.

I nodded.

"So my mother - it looked like she disappeared intentionally?"

"Well, I don't know, it just looked like she was being transported by someone or something. But transporting someone else while you're not standing next to them would take a lot of practice. You'd have to have memorized the whole scene around it to be able to transport them," Bruno said. Upon looking into his eyes, I could tell that he knew more than he was letting on.

"What else do you know?" I pried, not willing to leave without information that he may be withholding.

"Okay, here's the thing. I don't know anything else, but I do suspect other things. Grey had been in here since we got back, just staring at your mom. At the time I thought maybe he'd been sizing her up or trying to figure out a way to fix her, but upon thinking about it, I believe he may have been trying to memorize the image so that he could use it later to transport her somewhere." His entire face showed anger with the firm mouth and flexed jaw.

"Is there a way to maybe see what he was doing when no one else was in there?" I was wracking my mind trying desperately to find a solution to figure out what may have happened.

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