Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Note: This chapter will be an extremely, extremely short chapter because this one contains the 50k word mark! Thanks for all your support.

@Calico7485 this one is dedicated to you because I've slain the NaNo beast and this is my way of giving you its head.



"We should be okay, though, because this house repels them, right?" I asked, my tone nervous, and my eyes darting back and forth between her and the spirits.

"I'd hope so, but I can't be sure. Spirits are much stronger than they appear," Vanessa said, standing up with fear filling her eyes. I quickly downed my glass of water and stood next to her, grabbing her hand.

"If we need to fight them, we will. They're not going to get you," I whispered, refusing to believe that they'd be able to catch her. Together, we were too strong.

"I only hope it'll work," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

"What do you mean?" I asked as the whispers increased, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I only hope that fighting the spirits will work. What if we can't fend them off?" she asked, looking into my eyes with her terror-filled ones.

"Then I'll hold them off as long as I can while you get what we need to get out of this damned land and then we flee," I answered, my voice sounding more confident than I felt on the inside.

"Would you do that?" she asked, hope inflicting her voice.

"Of course," I answered turning toward the door, knowing exactly how I'd hold them off. My force field worked pretty soundly yesterday when I had to fight them; it'd probably work that well again. As long as it gave Vanessa enough time to get everything ready, then I'd do anything.

The spirits were now clearly visible through the small window, soaring through the sky and toward the shack in one large cloud of spirits. Inside the house, I could hear the wind as it picked up with the spirits.

"They're coming," Vanessa said, stating the obvious, with horror filling her voice. 

"Yeah, they are, but I'm going to fight them off and then you're going to prepare to get us out of this land," I said, pulling her into a reassuring embrace.

"We're gonna be okay," she said shakily as the whispers continued to get louder as the spirits grew ever closer.

"I know," I answered, stroking her hair with my hand. If I were to die in this moment, I realized, I'd be fine with it. Being with Vanessa was my only goal in life; she made things better and she was the only one who really understood pain and the cruelty of life. And I loved her for it.

"We need to split up. There's no way this house will fend off so many spirits all with the intention to steal my soul and make me one of them. It just won't work," Vanessa said, confidence filling her voice once more as she stepped out of my embrace and looked into my eyes.

"I'll go out the front door and fend the spirits off, and then you can blow out the back wall and get everything ready. Does that sound good?"

Vanessa simply nodded.

I brushed my lips against hers one last time and then ran out the front door to face the looming cloud of what looked like over one thousand spirits.

The moment they saw me, they formed a circle above me, but I ran, using the new energy I'd just acquired from the food as fuel.

Once they'd all begun chasing me, I put up a force field, feeding it more and more of my energy just like I had the first time I used to fight off the spirits.

Using my emotions  my anger at Grey, my feelings for Vanessa, my need to get out of this land — I continued to grow and thicken the force field so that by the time the spirits began diving at me, the result was the same as the last; the spirits fell to the ground, sending a small flicker through the force field but not causing any true damage.

The force field almost broke once, when a particularly large group of spirits dove into it. I felt it resonate through my body and energy as it nearly shattered into pieces as if I would've done the same had it truly broken.

As I held the force field, preventing the spirits from going anywhere and distracting them from Vanessa, more and more spirits continued to flow toward the force field as if each time one was knocked down by it, another one appeared in its place, hitting the force field harder than the one before it.

I thought I was going to pass out from holding such a strong force field for so long against so many spirits when Vanessa called my name.

Luckily, the force field was distracting enough that the spirits didn't even notice Vanessa behind me.

"Is it ready?" I asked, hoping not to draw attention to her; the one they were truly after.

"Yep, although we need to go to a cliff that's not far from here. We'll be there in not time with sprinting," she said. I nodded, and then released the force field, allowing the energy to dissipate in one large blow, and turned around and made a dash after Vanessa.

As we sprinted through the sand that gave poor traction, our hands interlocked. The spirits recovered from the energy that had sent them flying backward and were chasing Vanessa and me with new vigor now that both of us were here. The chanting began again.

Holly Louis, Holly Louis, Holly Louis, we're going to kill you!

I could see the fear but also anger in Vanessa's eyes as she sprinted toward the cliff. It appeared in my vision of sight and that was what gave me the energy to sprint the extra few feet toward the edge of the cliff, although I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do when I got there.

As if reading my mind, Vanessa screamed, "When we get to the cliff, just run off the side of it. I know it sounds risky and lethal but I have a portal open. We'll just fall right into there. We'll be out of here!"

It did sound bizarre, but I trusted Vanessa; she wouldn't play me the way Grey would. When we reached the edge of the cliff, I defied all of my instincts and ran right off the edge, still holding Vanessa's hand.

For a moment, we were weightless; free-falling through the air without anything to prevent us from falling to our death. And then I was enveloped by a yellow light and felt a feeling of transportation take over my body unlike any other.

And then there was a cold, wet surface that flew up toward my face. Pain overtook my body. The sound of horns and surprised people mixed with the smell of cigarette smoke filled the air around me.

Dazed, I sat up and looked around. Immediately, I knew where I was.

Vanessa and I laid on the busy streets of New York City.

~+ Uncontrollable +~

And I've completed NaNo! This is such a great feeling, but it's all thanks to you guys who supported me through the whole way. Don't fear; this book will go on after this, just back on a regular four day updating schedule. Thanks a million for all your support especially on such raw chapters!

Thanks for reading.

Word Count: 50,321 ~ completing this nine days early and 15k words ahead! I've slain the NaNo beast!

UncontrollableOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora