Chapter Thirty-Three

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Heads up: this is a long chapter with a lot of information and multiple scenes. You'll need to pay attention while reading. You guys are also caught up to where I am so you'll get updates as I write.

Enjoy chapter thirty-three!

**Completely unedited**


The severity of Bruno's words shocked me. I suppose I'd always imagined capturing Grey and how I would get information about my mother from him, but was killing him necessary? Would that make us any better than him?

"We have to get to the meeting spot," Bruno said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He stepped through the dirt barrier as if it was the most casual thing he'd ever done. After a moment of shock, I followed him, eager to see the plan to capture Grey.

After stepping through the wall, I was surrounded by metal. Looking up, it looked like a jungle gym of metal rafters and walkways. Directly in front of us was a large staircase leading up to what looked like the main walkway, all the others branching off of this one. The air around me smelled of must and dirt, dust floating in the air. I could hear voices, although they sounded far away.

"This is amazing," Vanessa exclaimed, awe filling her voice. I couldn't disagree. It truly was incredible that whoever these people were had figured out how to create this underground.

"Yeah, the people who created this are some of the smartest and most creative people I know," Bruno said, still looking up at the network of stairs, pathways, and rooms.

"Did they just start it after we went to Rico?" Vanessa asked, turning her head toward Bruno.

"No, they'd started it a while back," Bruno said, snapping himself out of the trance he'd been in by everything around him.

"That just makes this all the more mind-blowing," Vanessa responded.

"They gave me directions on how to get to where they want to meet us, although I'm not sure I totally remember all of them," Bruno said, ignoring Vanessa's comment.

"Well, it's the best shot at finding where we're supposed to go, so we can go with them for now and worry about getting lost if it actually happens," I said, giving Bruno a nudge signaling I was ready to start.

"I guess that is all that we can do." With a slight nod, he started up the stairs and down the pathway. Vanessa and I followed close behind, our footsteps echoing slightly in this cavernous room. After passing two staircases, we stopped and turned left into a door.

Inside, we were standing in a warmly lit room that had one metallic table stuck in the middle of the room and nothing else. At the other and of the room there was a second door. We walked around the table and out the second door, confronted by a new staircase. Below this was many supports, as if floating in mid-air.

"Do we know if this is being held up by some sort of enchantment?" I asked, looking around the jungle of metal. There had to be a supporting pole somewhere.

"It seems as if it is," Bruno exclaimed, a smile playing on his face as he continued. Vanessa and I stayed next to each other.

"That's risky," Vanessa commented. "If whoever set the spell on it were to die or be seriously injured, wouldn't this whole thing fall?"

"When thinking about it, it probably would," Bruno said. As we surged on, weaving our way through the intricate web of paths and stairs.

"So, can you guys explain the government to me more?" I asked, eager to get a better understanding of what happens in magical nations and realms.

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