Final Author Note

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Hello everyone. I can't believe we're already here and that this book is completed. It's been such a long and wonderful journey. Anyway, just as a warning, this authors note will be very long and rambling but I will pack in tons of important information.


Okay, so, first I feel like I have to start off by thanking you all because quite honestly, you're all the reason that this book is where it is and that I had the motivation to finish it. If you've read my writing before, you'll know that my esteem for my writing is really low and I go through many periods where I had literally no motivation to write. Luckily, for Uncontrollable that only happened at the end of this book. I think that is because of all of your wonderful comments, and let me tell you, they really are wonderful. Reading each and every one of your comments ended up being the highlight of my day most of the time. I can't thank any of you enough for leaving the best, most uplifting comments.

I also can't thank any of you enough for just deciding to read this book. Even if you're not voting or commenting, you're reading it and that's helping it further it's success a ton, so thank you. And to all of you who I now know by user name and recognize when you comment/I see you somewhere on this site, thank you so much. You're all literally the best people in the world. I've never had such kind and amazing fans, and I've never developed such positive relationships with y'all either!

Bottom line: thank you so, so much for all the support I've gotten from everyone.

Now, before I go on, I have something I really badly need to explain to you because y'all deserve an explanation. I mentioned quickly above that I lost motivation at the end of this book and I wasn't lying. I really, really lost motivation. There was a time when I wasn't sure about finishing this (yet here we are, so thanks to all of you who got me through that), and definitely times that I wasn't sure if I'd ever be writing again. I know I also mentioned my esteem was very, very low with writing and that was also somewhat what contributed to the lack of motivation. As I wrote, I hated my writing more and more. When I re-read chapters before posting earlier in the book, I didn't see as many mistakes or plot holes or grammar errors or things I really just wanted to change, but as the plot got thicker and more complicated, those grew exponentially. It was hard for me to re-read the chapters and I actually got to a point where I only ran it through spell/grammar check because I couldn't re-read them anymore. If I was re-reading each chapter like I want to, this book never would've been finished; it would have made me far too sad and plunged my esteem for writing much more. So, basically, this is why the writing is such bad quality for the chapters basically after NaNo. Thank you all for sticking with it though. I really do hope to rewrite it and edit it and give people an actual good version of this book but I'm not sure how far I'll get in a rewrite when all I can do is think about how bad it is and how terrible the plot is. This really affects me, as well, because this was one of the first books that I truly, honestly loved. The characters and the world that they lived in literally took up my life and I was obsessed with them. I was thinking about them constantly and wishing I could live with magic and visit the Base alongside Vanessa and Ryder. I tried, though, to push these feelings away because I wasn't sure what it would do to me to love my story and characters so much and watch it burn in my mind. Fortunatley, I still love 'em but it may have gone down and it's my fault.

Basically, I'm sorry about the quality; it's probably because of my lack of motivation.

Anyways, onto a happier note, I'm now gonna talk about my future writings! I have a lot of stories in the making/being planned. There are some that are in such an early stage that I'll only be giving you a rough description of it, but there are others that I can give you a preview of!

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