Chapter Ten

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 "So where do we start?" I asked, completely unsure of his plan.

"Well, Ryder, it won't be that simple. Where she is, we can't just poof ourselves there like you're used to. We're going to have to use some advanced, complicated magic. And you're going to need to help me."

"What do you mean when you say advanced magic? Are you implying that there are different levels of magic, and that I use an easy one?" The thought infuriates me. How could he imply that? People have died from me using magic. There may be a more advanced magic, but mine definitely was strong.

"Yes. There are levels of magic so to speak. And you have used fairly simple magic, but your 'simple magic' has proven to be much stronger than I've ever seen," Grey explained with a tired look on his face.

"Okay, okay. Go on," I said picking up on his annoyance.

"Thanks. So as I was saying, you're going to need to learn to harness your more advanced magic, before we go to try to find your mother. So, if you want your mother back, or at least a chance to get her back, you need to work hard to do this quickly but still learn it."

"Deal," I answered immediately. "When do we start?" I would do anything to get my mother back, whether it be kill people, or burn down a building, I'd do it. Learning more advanced magic seemed an easy and quick way to get her back.

"If you're ready, then now," Grey said. "You won't be able to learn everything right away, but we can start."

I nodded eagerly and Grey looked around the kitchen as if trying to find something he had in mind. His eyes lit up when he saw a pillow case lying on the counter. 

"There," he said. I looked, but still didn't understand my task.

"What about it?"

"You see the pillowcase?"

"Yes, Grey, I do. I see the pillowcase in the middle of the counter covered in dust. What am I supposed to do with it though?" I asked, clenching my hands to fists.

"I want you to light it on fire. Burn it up completely. Not using the stupid imagining magic. Use your emotions, your inner thoughts. Let your soul do this," Grey said, his eyes alight with excitement and his mouth curled into a smile.

I focused on the pillowcase. I didn't imagine it burning at all. I squeezed my eyes shut and pointed my finger toward it, waiting. The time ticked on, and I still felt no rush of magic, no heat engulfing it.

"I don't know how to do this!" I exclaimed, opening my eyes and stomping my foot like a child.

"Ryder, to put it simply, use your emotions to make it happen. You can do this, Ryder, you can. Just focus your anger and annoyance into the fire that will burn the pillowcase," Grey explained, folding his hands and hopping off the counter to make sure the fire doesn't hit him. I nodded, and held out my hands.

I closed my eyes once again, and focused on the anger that was overcoming me. I could feel my emotions swarming around. I took the anger, and I knew at that moment that I had a choice. I could keep it in and let it sizzle. Or, I could release it in the form of magic.

I took the anger, and channeled it towards my hands. I could feel it coursing through my veins; it felt just like magic does. When I felt it get to the tips of my fingers, I took the power that anger had, and sent it rushing towards the pillowcase. I felt the magic leave my body, and my anger was gone. I opened my eyes, and laughed with delight when I saw the pillowcase engulfed in flame.

"I did it!" I exclaimed, pumping my fist in the air and high-fiving Grey. 

"I knew you could!" he exclaimed, a twinkle of pride in his eyes. The smell of burning fabric filled the air and wafted up into my nose.

Ash floated around the air and smoke filled the house. Beads of perspiration rolled down my face slowly.

"Now put it out using the magic you just did!" Grey shouted. The fire alarm had yet to go off, which I guessed was Grey's doing.

I nodded, and closed my eyes once again. I took the happiness and accomplishment that I was feeling from having done the advanced magic Grey wanted me to, and I urged it along towards my hands again. I could feel it turning into magic as it went, causing my adrenaline to pump through my body. When I felt the happiness seemingly pool in the veins of my hands, I focused on turning it into magic. When I felt alive with power, I thought of water putting out the fire I had just started. I didn't imagine an image of it, I just thought about it.

When I felt ready, I released the stored up magic. 

The sound of sizzling filled the air, and I opened my eyes once again to see the fire put out, and the entire island soaked in water.

"It happened again! I used that type of magic twice!"

"I know!" Grey exclaimed, matching my excitement. "You learned that extremely fast, if it makes you feel better."

"Is that all that's too it?" I asked, my heart beating faster. 

"There's a little bit more, but you got the basics down," Grey explained. "Now, I have to take you somewhere."

"Okay. Where?" I asked. The kitchen still smelled of smoke, and there was water all over the counter.

"I don't have coordinates, but you'll be fine," Grey answered mockingly.

"Ha-ha. Can we get this water cleaned up first? I think I should do that before I leave. And will I ever have time for those questions that I want to ask?"

"Soon. You can ask them all soon. And true, we should dry off the counter." He raised a hand and the water flew up into the air and shot into his hand. I felt the counter that had just been soaked. It was bone dry.

"Did all that water go into your body?" I asked mystified by his little trick. I'd never thought of trying something like that, and I'd never seen it done before.

"Not into my body. It evaporated when it touched my hand. I can teach you how to do it sometime, if that's what you're getting at," Grey answered, smiling.

"Cool! I'd love that."

"Great. Now, lets go to the place I needed to take you. You can learn that trick later, but this needs to be done now," Grey said, grabbing my hand. There was an urgency in his tone that showed me he had a reason to be there.

"Just two more seconds," I muttered, and raised my right hand. I imagined the smoke disppearing, and when I opened my eyes it was gone. The smell still lingered, but the air was clear.

"Okay. Lets go." 

With that, I felt my body transporting, and when I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by dense forest. All around me, birds chirped. The sunlight fought it's way through the leaves, illuminating bits of ground around me. The smell of wet earth wafted up into my nose.

We were standing in a clearing in the middle of the woods.

"Don't ask questions, just come with me," Grey ordered.

"Okay?" I answered unsure whether or not I should follow.

Grey swiped his left hand from one side of his body to another. At the same time, a huge patch of leaves were blown out of their spots like startled birds.

What was left on the ground was what seemed to be an aluminum ground tarp.

"What is this?"

"This," Grey said as he pulled open a hidden door, "is the base for war strategies."

~+ Uncontrollable +~

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter wasn't very action packed. I didn't love the ending either, but the next few should be a little bit more exciting.

Hopefully I didn't bore you too much though. Although things will settle down for a little bit with people going after Ryder, his training is just getting heated up, so you can get excited to read more about that!

I'd also just like to quickly thank you all for the support you have given me on this story thus far. It means a lot and I'm glad so many of you are enjoying it!

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