Chapter Seventeen

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I stormed out of the room before I could hear anything else from Grey.

I didn't want to listen to his threats, and I wasn't going to let him manipulate me into becoming a pawn in his 'war'.

Realizing I didn't remember the way to get out walking, I transported myself back to my house.

When I appeared in my warm kitchen, I realized something; I had no idea what day it was.

I sprinted upstairs and grabbed my cell phone - I was never big on cell phones and never brought it anywhere because I always had magic. Regardless, my mother insisted on buying me one anyway. I turned on the screen and looked at the date.

October 31st.


I laughed. Maybe I'd go out and get some candy; act like a normal teenager.

I scrolled through the contacts on my phone and clicked on the name of one of my close friends: Tommy.

The phone rung for about two seconds, and then he picked up. Always on his phone.

"Ryder?" His voice was almost frantic.

"Yeah, Tommy? What's up?" I asked, plopping down on my bed and crossing my legs.

"Where the hell have you been? You disappeared without any warning. No one has been able to find you!" he exclaimed. The distress laced his voice.

"I- I-" I stopped talking, not knowing what to say. I hadn't thought any of this through.

"What?" Tommy said, his tone becoming exasperated.

"I have been really sick," I answered, hoping that it would suffice.

"Sick? It's been nearly two weeks! And why wouldn't you answer your phone if you were sick? And where is your mother. No one has been able to find you or come in contact with you! What is going on?" he asked. He sounded truly and utterly worried. And then something occurred to me: why wouldn't the police come looking? Why wouldn't the police get involved in any of this? My mother has been gone for weeks now, and I have been disappearing on and off - why wouldn't someone call it in and the police get involved? It didn't make any sense.

"Don't worry about me," I answered, my voice sounding distant and distracted. "Hey, you wanna go out tonight?"

"You mean like trick-or-treating?" He laughed, letting go my disappearances far too easily. "Dude, that's like a kid thing. I'm goin' to a Halloween party!"

Tommy sounded far too proud of this.

"Alright," I said, a hint of disappointment peppering my voice. "I'll find someone else to go with. Have fun."

"Hey, man, you can come if you feel like it. It just doesn't seem like your type of scene so I figured you would decline," Tommy said, as if trying to save our friendship.

"Maybe I will. I'll think about it. Who's is it?" I asked, my tone sounding bored.

"It's at Sarah's!" he exclaimed, not able to hide his excitement. He'd had a crush on Sarah for as long as I could remember.

"Congratulations," I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone. "Maybe I'll come. Is it alright if I just show up?"

"Yeah, it'll be fine. I hope you go. It's been a while, Ryder," he said, sincerity shining in his voice.

"It has. I'll think about it." I hung up the phone quickly. Tommy could always put on his cool facade, but on the inside he was a sentimental figure. And when he went sentimental on you, it was like the Niagara Falls of emotions.

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