Chapter Eighteen

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I didn't have much time until either the magician's group or the police would be here, so I ran upstairs to my room, grabbed a spare shirt and jeans, and then imagined myself appearing outside the base for war strategies.

Within seconds, I was standing in the middle of the woods, the soft soil beneath my feet.

It smelled as if it had recently rained. And at that moment, I realized I didn't know where this was. I could've been anywhere in the world right now, and I had no clue. I made a mental note to ask someone once I got in.

I looked to the ground and found it covered in leaves. I'd seen Grey move the leaves to get into the base, but I wanted to try it in a different way.

I closed my eyes and emptied my brain of thoughts.

Then, I looked deep into myself, at my spirit and soul, and focused them towards the wind.

A warm feeling spread throughout my body, and my long hair was blown back as the wind picked up around us. It felt as if deep inside me, there was a connection to the wind that would control the oncoming burst.

I urged the wind forward, running it across the top of the bunker. It picked up even faster, blowing against my clothes and sending a chill through my body, counteracting the warmth I felt just moments earlier.

But nonetheless, the wind was moving towards the top of the bunker, making a mess of the woods around me.

The closer it got, the stronger the connection I felt to it. When the connection was so strong I felt as if I was one with the wind, I tugged at it with my mind, encouraging it to move to where I wanted it to.

It flew across the top of the bunker and in a quick movement, scattered all the leaves around it, and then dissipated into the tiniest of a breeze.

I laughed, and then made for the hatch, pride spreading throughout my body.

"How did you do that?" an extremely familiar voice came from next to me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. He must have appeared here while I was focused on the wind.

Just the sound of Grey's voice sparked anger in me, but with a deep breath, I calmed myself.

"I dunno. I just did it," I answered. He rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"Explain it," he ordered.

"Fine. I just 'connected' with my soul and used the connection to move the wind." It sounded awfully simple, and it didn't even feel like a satisfactory explanation, but I left it, figuring he understood what I meant.

"Wait. Can you try something for me?" he asked. It seemed as though he wasn't out to get me anymore.

"Sure." I suppose the only reason I came here was to talk to him, so I might as well try to get back on his good side.

"Thank you. What I want you to do is try using the earth to your advantage," he said calmly.

"Sorry, what?" I figured I must have heard him wrong.

"Say you were in a fight with another wizard and you couldn't use fire or ice to counter him," he began explaining. I opened my mouth but Grey quickly cut me off.

"I know that most likely wouldn't happen, just pretend. Anyway, if that were the scenario, you could use the earth to fight. And I want you to try it."

I was understanding what he wanted but had no idea to go about it.

My baffled expression must have shown because moments later Grey reassured me.

"Don't think too much about it. Just do it, the same way you did with the wind."

I nodded, and thought for a minute, then decided I'd try using my magic the way I did with fire, and if that didn't work then I'd try it as it happened with wind.

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