Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated kay Tim

"Don't do it," I commanded, signaling to the man's hand.

"And why would I do that?" he mocked.

"Because you know that I am more powerful than you are," I answered. The confidence my voice showed was completely fake; I had no idea whether that was true or not, but if these people wanted my powers gone, then it was most likely true.

His smug smile wavered for a moment, but only a moment. A confident smirk of my own played across my face. Anyone can fake a smug smile, but no one can erase fear in their eyes.

"You're horrified right now," I whispered. "You may scare other people off by your big stance and deep voice, but you aren't fooling me."

"Now," a voice rang out from behind me, and four male teachers all sprinted towards the man and tackled him.

I sighed in exasperation. Why couldn't they have they just left it to me to deal with this man?

Moments after the attack, all of the teachers were sent flying off of the man, landing in the crowd of bystanders.

"What's your name," I asked the man in front of me as he stood up and regained his composure.

"Axel," he said. "And the only reason I'm telling you that is because I'm about to kill you so it doesn't matter if you know or not."

"Good luck with that," I answered as I raised my right hand and imagined him unable to stand anymore. A smokey red tendril of light shot out of my hand and engulfed his entire body. By the time it cleared, he was lying on the ground trying desperately to stand but failing.

"Oh, and I thought that you needed my powers before you could kill me," I said, with a bored tone to my voice. "Or at least that's what the woman I just killed told me."

This hit him hard. He couldn't even maintain that snide smirk.

"Y-you killed her," he asked, a tear forming in his eyes.

"For a big, scary man like yourself, I am very unimpressed," I said, ignoring his question.

 "H-how did you manage to kill Tina?" he asked, not able to contain the stutter in his voice.

"I fought. Now you can walk away, or you can die a death just like hers," I threatened raising my hand.

Suddenly his entire face changed from deep sorrow to rage. He put his hand over his leg and seemingly pulled all of the red smoke out of his body, making it so that he could stand now. He jumped up and thrust his hand out.

The only thing I remember after that was a blinding pain. I fell to the ground and writhed in agony. Screams flew from my throat as unbearable heat sizzled through my body. I could feel my skin burning.

The pain increased to a point where it became unbearable. My vision began to black at the edges, and my body shook violently. Tears fell from my eyes, but did nothing to stop the burning. The smell of burnt flesh filled my nose, making it impossible for me to think of anything else.

"Stop him," I screamed weakly as the darkness filled my eyes and the world around me faded.

"What do we do with him?" a voice around me said, piercing into my muddled brain. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around. 

The bright lights around me startled me for a moment, but my eyes quickly adjusted. Surrounding me were many machines all beeping or making some sort of noise. The walls containing the machines and my bed were a plain white and spotless.

I sat up, but was immediately dizzy and threw my head back down onto the pillow.

I looked down at my arms and saw wires and needles coming out of them everywhere, all connected to the machines surrounding the bed I lied in.

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