Chapter Four

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"Get away," I said, taking a step back, wishing desperately that I had gotten outside before she could stop me.

"No." Her answer was simple, and the smirk on her face showed that her words caused the desired effect on me: fear.

"Fine. Then I'll just leave through the back," I said, regaining my composure. She has magic, so she should have known better than anyone that there was millions of ways for me to get out of this situation.

"No, you won't," she said.

"Watch me," I answered as I sprinted over to our sliding glass door in the back, and pull it open. The second I dragged it open, the wind formed a mini tornado and tossed me back against the counter.

I imagined the wind dying down, and then raised my right hand. A weak tendril of red shot out of my hand, but it was only existent for a second; it disappeared right after.

I turned to look at the woman with an inquisitive look on my face. I had almost completely forgotten about the storm created by magic behind me.

"Who are you?" I asked for the second time. She raised her right hand, and the door behind me slammed shut.

"Do we really have to go through this again?" she questioned with a monotonous voice and a bored look on her face.

"I want to know!" I exclaimed, tapping my foot impatiently.

"You're a big boy. You can deal without knowing that for just a few more minutes. Now you can get your real mother if you do something for me. Give me your powers."

A blinding anger suddenly overtook me. My hand shot up automatically and a bright blue jet of light shot out from my pointer finger. My disregard for her demands could cause problems, but at the time, I could think of nothing but my anger.

The moment the blue light hit the woman standing in front of me, tendrils of blue and white snaked out from it, freezing her on the spot. As it spread throughout her body, the temperature in the room dropped considerably. What was going on?

As I watched, her skin tinted to a blue color. The shade of blue deepened as the tendrils of blue and white enveloped her body.

That was when it hit me; I was freezing her.

"I'm sorry," I suddenly blurted out. It was the only thing I could think to say. This woman clearly was bad. I mean, she did try to kill me, but no one on the face of this earth deserves to die such a harsh death.

At this point, the blue tendrils of ice had completely encircled her, and her skin was a deep blue. Her mouth was open as if she was about to scream but never got the chance to.

I stepped forward to get a closer look. Her eyes haven't moved since the ice began to envelop her.

I reached my finger out to feel her pulse. My finger rested on the side of her neck for a moment, and an overwhelming cold ran through my body as if turning the blood running through my veins to ice. Her skin felt normal besides the cold.

I didn't feel any pulse but I pressed my finger further into her skin just to make sure. That's when her entire body shattered into a million pieces.

A scream exploded out of my mouth as I jumped back, away from the pieces that used to be a woman. As I stared at the small, blue pieces that were seemingly glass and the tattered clothes making a pile on the ground, tears formed in my eyes, and I couldn't hold them back.

Tears streamed down my face as I stood here and looked at the frozen and glassy remains of a human being lying in front of me.

How could I have done this?

"I'm sorry," I whispered one last time. "I truly never meant to do this to you."

I knew the words were pointless, but I needed to say them just to get them off my chest.

After a few seconds of staring at the pieces, I wiped my eyes and thought about what to do next.

I still felt empty, and like I could cry more tears, but I knew that I had a few tasks on my hand that needed doing first.

Unable to come up with a better idea, I grabbed a trash bag from the cabinet, and began to brush the pieces of the woman into the bag.

Once all of the pieces were cleaned up and in the bag, I leaned it against the counter and let out a long sigh.

I ran a hand through my short, cleanly cut hair. I definitely couldn't keep doing this. Not if I would end up causing destruction like this.

"So you finally realized your true potential," said a familiar voice behind me.

"What are you talking about old man?" I asked, turning to face Grey. He was smiling. "And why are you still here?"

"Look at the potential you have in you! You just froze a whole woman! It's amazing!" Grey exclaimed. "And I have my reasons."

"What type of monster are you? Freezing a human is not amazing. It's absolutely horrifying. And care to share?"


"So you're just going to stare here and gawk at the bag that holds the remains of a woman?"

"I just came to congratulate you."

If there was anything I've learned from this visit it was this: Grey is most definitely a wizard. Which means that I could ask a few questions about how to control my power or my magic. My heart rate sped up just at the thought.

"Don't congratulate me for something so horrible. But, I do have questions," I said, preparing all the things I wanted to say in my head.

He didn't answer, so I opened my mouth to begin asking my questions, but he disappeared into thin air.

"Damn you, Grey," I muttered as my heart rate slowed.

Hundreds of questions still tugged at my brain, but one was the most important to me out of all.

Where is my mother?

~+ Uncontrollable +~

Thank you all for reading this! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and felt there was enough action!

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