Chapter 16 PART 1

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**Gakupo’s POV**

Since my father died in a car accident…

I never know what it feels like to have friends…  or have someone who is very important for me…

Because I’m afraid… that for loving them so much…

“Will papa come back again???”

“I’m sorry, son… He can’t…”

They will just disappear… and leave me alone…

The pain of being left alone…

It’s the worst…

So then… I decided to isolate myself and not to be attached with anyone…


I’m a guy who wears big glasses and being known as the weirdest guy of the school…

I don’t mind at all.

Going to school… alone…

Attending class… alone…

Visiting the library… alone…

Walking home…  alone…

That’s all my life.

I don’t care at all.

“He’s scary…”

“He’s weird!”

“Eww.. Disgusting~~~”

I always hear in everyday of my life…

I’m used to them. Really.


But then…I thought that I was tough and numb enough to don’t mind anything… though this fateful moment –

I was going to the faculty room to deliver the test papers of our class when I stumbled on my way…

Some of the papers scattered...

“SH*T! I hate this!”, I said to myself and immediately picked up the papers.

“Help your friend out!”, a guy said while laughing.

“Damn you!! Friend my ass!”, another guy said while laughing.

I hate this… I hate being looked down…

I just didn’t mind them and continue on picking up the papers immediately.

“Curse these bastards!!!”, I said to myself with piss but when I looked at my back to pick more…

I got shock.

I saw a blue-haired guy wearing a scarf (even it’s almost summer) who’s already picking the papers too.

For the first time…

He tapped the papers to parallel and gave it to me.

“Here.”, he said and smiled.

I got more shock.

Such… a warm smile that was…

Badump Badump Badump Badump

“Hey, Kaito! Come on!”, a guy from another group called him.

“Oh yeah!”, he said and stood up. “Be careful next time.”, he said and smiled again.

My "Head Over Heels" Lover (Gakupo x Kaito) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now