Chapter 7

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* Jamie Watson *

Over the past day, I remained in Nate's bedroom, not bothering to fight him about leaving but instead trying to understand him. Nate was like a Rubik's cube, each time I thought I had him figured out there was another side that showed itself, one that needed to be fixed. One moment he was talking softly to me as though he wanted me to truly like him. Then without warning, he grew frustrated with himself and with me. "I want to see my pack" I stated suddenly into the eerie silent room. My words caused Nate to spin around from his desk leaving all thoughts of paperwork in the past as he focused on what I had said.

"This is your pack" he stated matter of factly. "When you accept your Luna position you shall meet them" he informed me blandly though a cheeky grin was playing on his handsome face. What? Just because I called him handsome does not mean I like him. His appearance had absolutely no correlation to the monster within.

"Wait" I stood up quickly from his unmade bed "what do you mean when I accept the position?" I pried, my voice coming out as squeaky as a mouse though he appeared unaffected by my confusion and smacked his lips together.

"When you accept Jamie, there isn't much to explain" he chuckled lightly as my eyes darted around the room briefly. "What?" He pushed when I did not reply. Nervously he ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair as he awaited my explanation.

"I thought you said you were sorry about what happened?" I pushed feeling extremely kerfuffle as I twiddled my thumbs as they hung near my waist. An overwhelming anxious feeling began to grow in the pit of my stomach and soon take over my entire body. He is not going to let me leave, is he?

Swiftly he stood from his chair and walked to me within three long strides he was only inches from me. "I am sorry Jamie. But that still does not change the fact that I marked you. I made you mine and it's eternal" he informed me his voice low and understanding though I couldn't agree with him. His hand rose stroking my cheek softly, instantly making my wolf compliant.

"What about Carter?" His eyes flashed darker briefly hating my concern for his Beta before they returned to their normal gorgeous icy blue color.

"He'll be okay" Nate vowed picking up my hands in his letting his thumbs trailed over my knuckles gently with the hopes of assuring me that was so. As much as I wanted to push him off me and tell him not to touch me because he wasn't my mate there was a certain calmness that came from his touch. A peace that I thought only Carter could bring.

Gulping I knew pushing the subject further would end up in an argument, but I could not help myself. "That's not what I mean. I mean he is still my mate too. I want to be with him" I voiced quietly mentally begging he would just nod agreeing and let me go on my way. Who was I kidding? This is Nate we are talking about. He would never let anything be that simple. Though when Nate was gentle like this, I could see myself with him like he said we were connected so it's not that far-fetched.

"It's. Not. Happening" he emphasized pausing between each word to fully get his point across. "I thought we had a mutual understanding here. I'm sorry for what happened and how it happened, but it has happened" he tugged my hands until I was closer to him. My chest lined up perfectly underneath his giving him the best angle to peer down at me. "From now on I want you to completely think of me as your mate."

Is he freaking serious?! I stopped backward forcing distance between us, but he never dropped my hands and I could not force him to no matter how hard I tried. "But you're not" I fought back stubbornly as his jaw tensed under my words. It was not just a matter of mindset where I could just think Nate was my mate and Carter was not. Both of their wolves had a connection with mine and both of their feelings swirled throughout me overriding my own. Each moment I was feeling something completely different depending on which of the two I was around it affected my mood.

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