Read This If You Please

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Have you ever encountered something really wonderful in life and thought that it'd be there forever ? Well, I did. I experienced an overwhelming feeling I've been longing for so long : love. I thought that it'd stay forever and that the fight is over. But, it never is. For anyone, it could be anything. It could be about someone they hold dear, or the feeling they get when they're with them. It could even be their jobs, their god-given gifts, and so many more. Truth is, we live for what we fight for, don't we ? You can easily say 'I have nothing to lose' and feel the awful dark pain when you finally lose it. See, that's the problem. We always take everything for granted. We take the rising sun for granted. We take our mother's love for granted. We take our teacher's lessons for granted. We take whom we love for granted, always. And there comes the bitter truth : nothing stays forever. Sure, you can say anything or think anything you want to convince yourself that it would stay, whatever or whoever it is. But, it won't. And no, you can't change how the world works, how nothing is really forever. But, you can fight for it. You can fight for what and whom you love. You don't have to necessarily strive to keep them in place, just simply appreciate them enough. Show that they matter. Treat them as if tomorrow's the last day you'll see each other. Don't wait for the day where you'll look back and say 'what if'. Maybe then, you won't regret it as much. Thank you for reading this, if you did. I hope that this could at least do a little change.

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