Chapter 16

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Sami's POV



We were a little stunted to say the least. I stood frozen just staring at Jack as he did the same. I felt Chase's Hands tighten around my hips as he pulled himself closer to me.

"Have you kids already met?" Aunt Becca Asked. 

"Um-Yeah, we met at school, I practically walked right into Chase." Jack Said finally finding this voice.

"Well then, Sami would you like to explain to us why you aren’t living with your mother anymore?" John Asked.

"Well... it's kind of a long story, why don't we head to Chase's and I’ll explain everything." I said, trying to avoid the topic.

"Sounds great to me." Chase spoke.

Chase's POV

As Sami and her family settled into my living room, my mother was shocked to see so many people in her living room.

"Kate? Can you come into the living room for a second?" Sami Asked. It took my mother less than a few seconds to come walking into the living room.

"Ok well, Kate, I would like you to meet my uncle and aunt, John and Rebecca and their son Jack. My Family, meet Kate, Chase's Mother." Sami Explained

"Nice to meet you"

"It’s a pleasure to meet"

"As you guys were wondering why I wasn’t living at home and staying here was because, I Simply can’t stay there anymore. See, after dad passed mum didn’t handle it very well, she went to deep depression and debt and so she then met Pete, Pete had the money she needed and that was good enough for her, not for me. He abused me most nights and I slowly slipped away at school, calling that place more of home than my real home." Sami Lifted up her top to show everyone the black and blue bruises that Pete had given her. I could still feel the anger inside of me, and the overwhelming erg to go over the Sami's old home and belt a hell lot of sense into that guy.

"One Day, at school Chase noticed the clothing I was wearing and figured it out, and then took me home to live with him, and as you know the rest is history." Sami looked slightly uncomfortable with the stillness of the room. Waiting for someone to speak.

"I hope you don't that Sami come to live me, I couldn’t leave her to live back at her old house, so I understand if you don’t want her to stay her any longer." My Mother stated.

"No, She seems happy here, and I’m pretty sure I have Chase to thank for that" Her uncle john spoke. After that, everyone spoke as if they had known each other for forever.


The Following morning I got up before Sami and headed out for a run. When I run I feel like all my life dramas have disappeared and it’s just me and the earth that lies underneath the heavy pressure of my feet pounding against it. I used run a lot when I joined the football team a few years back. Quitting it was one of the most hardest I have done. Ever since I was younger, I had always wanted to play the sport. But once my dad started to come home and hit mum, I had to give it up because the practices were always going to run late and I didn’t want to leave my mother unprotected. I had no clue where my feet were leading me, until I reached the old football ground I used to come to. As I jumped the fence, I noticed to shadows lurking in the shadows of the trees. As I tried to get closer I was able to see to men. A young man and then an older fellow. I was all ears. 

'You need to make sure you watch them at all times, we need him to come to us one way or another."

"Of course sir, is he in a relationship with the girl?"

"Why do you ask?"

"It will be easier to get to the girl, if she were attracted to me, allowing me to get closer to the boy."

"Do what you need to do. You need to be careful though, the girls’ uncle is in town, and he is dangerous."

“I will"

“Good luck Sean"

I Sprinted away from the trees and run back home. I had an overwhelming feeling about what I had stumbled across. My gut told me whatever I had heard wasn't good for anyone.

As I reached home I opened the door, I was greeted by Sami. Sami. I swear if anything happened to her, I would be beyond repair. I loved how her hair bounced when she moved and how her smile made my stomach do knots. I didn't know who to make the feeling go away, but I did know one thing, I will NEVER ever let any harm come to her again.

~Writers Note~

Hope you guys enjoy the new chapter!!!

--------------------> Pic of Sami on the side

--------------------> Pic of Chase on the Side





Love Peace and all things Sweet <3


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