Real Talk A/N

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This story is 80% swearing and 20% inappropriate chats (no, if you were looking for some sexting it is not here but there are some mentions of sexual things).

If you are uncomfortable with the use of the word "fuck" at least 69 times or ppl being called nicknames like "bby" or "bunny" thE eXit butTon iS In tHe toP lEft hAnd CornEr!!!

That is all :)


UPDATE 2020: I am so sorry to every person who has to read this book with Wattpad ads. When I wrote this, there was no such thing as 30-second long ads in between chapters (and if there were it was VERY rarely), so there seemed to be no problem with me making my chapters hella fucking short. Now, however, you get an ad every/every other chapter, and it just really bums me out that Wattpad has to ruin the experience like that :( Either way, I hope you stick around and have a good time even with all the ads, and thanks for reading!


I have remembered that some ppl aren't familiar with English slang and stuff so lemme help y'all out. Whenever ur confused just come back here and check this chapter to see if the vocab is there. If not, plox tell me

ffs - for fuck's sake

ily - if you don't know that this means "i love you" then where have u been fam should u be reading this book

istg - i swear to god

gc - groupchat

jfc - jesus fucking christ (this one is pretty offensive and i am sorry to whoever i offend i should probs just delete it)

oppa - that ain't even an english slang but it's nasty when non-korean ppl use it k thx never use

smh - shaking my head

dw - don't worry

ofc - of course

idk/idc - i don't know/i don't care

tldr - too long didn't read

hmu - hit me up

btw - by the way

stfu - shut the fuck up

gtg - got to go

u/n - username

asf - as fuck

hbu - how about you

also follow my twitch Krizlynn! I'd really appreciate it :)

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