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"Shit," Baekhyun swears, looking at the screen of his phone. "Did I just get intricately scammed?"

"What do you mean?" Jongdae cackles, finding Baekhyun's worried tone funny. "Don't scammers just make computers steal people's money? It can't be that difficult."

"Well I'm not talking about money, here. I'm talking about my name." 

"'The fuck do you mean?" Jongdae asks, discarding his own phone to turn and face Baekhyun. The only light in the room is Baekhyun's lamp, and even through the dimness, Jongdae could see Baekhyun's furrowed eyebrows.

"I told Park my name in exchange for his—"


"—but he never answered me. It's been a good twenty minutes and he left me on read right after I told him my name."

"Oh..." the other trails off. "Maybe he died because of how cute your name is?"

"'Baekhyun' is cute? Yeah, sure." Baekhyun frowns and uselessly taps his screen a few times, as if doing so would magically give him a reply. He feels like he's back in high school again, waiting for a certain person's text with anxiousness yet giddiness.

"You never know," Jongdae sing-songs, making Baekhyun roll his eyes.

"Totally. Now I'm waiting for some crazy saesang to find me and murder me—since Park was probably lying this whole time to find my name thus where I live so that they can exterminate all of Chanyeol's anti-fans—"

"Okay even I wouldn't go that far. Maybe he just wanted to troll you, fam. It's fine." Jongdae waves his hand awkwardly, and that concludes the conversation.

"Yeah... Whatever, his loss."

Yet as Baekhyun plugs his phone into his charger, checks it one more time before shutting off the lamp, he can't help but feel disappointed.


hope u lonely asses have a nice day (jk we're not alone if there's thousands of other single ppl right?)

hope u enjoyed

P-Nut oot.

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