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Chanyeol picks at the grass near him, checking his watch every minute or so to solidify time in his mind. He doesn't know if he's being dramatic or Baekhyun's actually taking a really long time.

Checking his watch another time, he sighs, glancing over at the picnic basket a foot or so away from him. Maybe he just missed Baekhyun earlier—maybe the brunet came right when he was finished classes and left when Chanyeol wasn't there.

Chanyeol regrets suddenly ordering Sehun to turn back so that they could do a quick stop at the convenience store (to buy everything set up in front of him) because Baekhyun might've shown up before him. Granted, it was only an extra ten minutes but who knows? Baekhyun can be very impatient, or so Chanyeol has learned.

He's leaning against a tree, his butt on a blanket as he basks in the breeze, trying to seem calmer than what he actually felt. His heart is beating seemingly steady, but he knows that the moment Baekhyun shows up it'll go into frenzy at the thought of just confessing.

It wouldn't be Chanyeol's first confession—his first one being toward Kang Seulgi, goddess of his high school—but this is wildly different from his first confession. This confession would be going to someone he's been thinking of for the past five years, and has liked for even more than that. This confession is going toward someone that Chanyeol was afraid of liking in the past, because of the inopportune circumstance he was sadly born in. And if even Baekhyun's presence makes him feel something, how would confessing to him feel?

Chanyeol shakes his head, trying to rid himself of his jittery thoughts. He redirects his thinking elsewhere, focusing instead on what he "prepared".

In the picnic basket laying atop of the light blue blanket, Chanyeol placed some donuts or sweets that he vaguely remembered being the shorter's favourites. He also bought a platter of sushi and stuffed them into plastic containers bought at the same time—and it all really sounds uncommitted and lazy but Chanyeol just didn't have time. Along with that were little bottles of yoghurt that Chanyeol bought on a whim and is now contemplating opening.

Chanyeol crosses his legs, staring at nothing as he waits for another couple of minutes. Baekhyun is nowhere in sight and he hasn't texted Chanyeol to confirm anything—but the giant is trying to be optimistic. It hasn't been that long since Baekhyun's classes have ended. Maybe he just needs to finish something and then he'll head to the park...

The idol nods to himself.

An hour isn't that late, is it?

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