Brave High: 14

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Four P.O.V

Oh thank the lord its lunch time! Im starving.And just so you know, Im a man not a fatty.

I walk into the cafeteria with Zeke and Uri. I grab a tray move to get some lunch, it looks disgusting. I swear the macaroni and cheese just moved.

I put my tray back and grab an apple, hopefully these aren't nasty too.

i plop down next to Tris at the table with all our friends. She smiles at me.I wink. she blushes and turns back to Christina.

"Hey Four! Wanna sit with me and Candace?" Lauren says with her perky voice, I look up at her and raise an eyebrow, she's with her possy. "Come on, Four! You don't want to sit with Tris. Do you?"Lauren asks, her face caked and make up, and her shirt tight on her chest.

"No. I want to sit with Tris,"-I put an arm around her waist,-"I actually like her." I kiss her cheek. Lauren looks furious,

"Watch your back, Tris." Lauren spots out, she walks over to her table and glares at me. I smile and wave. With my arm still around Tris' waist, I eat my apple.


"Four, can I talk to you?" Taylor asks, as I walk out to my car after school.I shrug my shoulders and turn to her,

"Listen I'm, really sorry about what happened. I guess I just wasn't meant to be with you. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me? And can we still be friends?"she asks looking generally sorry.

"Okay." I say getting in my car, I'm still a little mad. But I'm not going to hold it against her.


"There you are Tobias." Marcus evilly says as I walk through the doors.

"Take off your jacket."

Oh no. Why more beatings?

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