Big Girls Deserve a Happy Ending

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"You are a strong , beautiful , smart , young lady. You will not let anyone bring you down because you're a queen." I say as a get ready for school.

Its the third month into my senior year of high school and I'm already tired of this shit . Tired of the dumb ass boys cracking jokes and calling me out my name as I walked through the halls , tired of seeing every single person in my view showing PDA while all I can do is hug a book .. Just tired of feeling ugly and alone without anyone to call my OWN.

Oh yeah I'm Jenae' , I'm 17 years old , in the 12th grade . I live alone with my Mother Kimberly Wilson . I'm pretty sure you've figured out that I'm single. Yeah no one likes me. This is the mess I go through so prepare to see some crazy shit.

" JENAE' HURRY BEFORE YOU MISS THE BUS ! " my mom yells out to me

" COMIN MA ! " I yelled back.
I take one last look at myself in the mirror and grabbed my bookbag and made my way to the kitchen.

When I get into the kitchen my mom is sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee texting . Probably her new boo Jonathan. They are too cute.

" Have a good day baby , you and that girl better stay outta trouble ya hear me ?" Said my mama

I laugh. " Ma , Nika and I never get in trouble." Incase y'all wanna know Nika is my Beesstfriend . Shenika Davis. We've been besties since 10th grade. Feels like FOREVER.

" Mhm . Go get on that bus girl. I love you . " says my mama.

" Shenika is coming over today after school. Have a good day at work, love ya too ma. "

" Ok. "

**** At the bus stop ****

" TRICK COME ON! " yells my bestfriend Shenika

" Um girl I takes my time that bus is still down the street , I'm not about to run and pass the freak out. I'm a big girl not a track star "

" Hahahaha , girl you a mess . " she laughs

*** At School ***


That would be the bell starting first period. Shenika and I have almost all of our classes together. She's the reason why I haven't slapped a nigga yet. Don't get it twisted we'll snap on a bitch real quick.

" Ok class take out your Literature books and open to page 187 . " says my English teacher Mr. Dejong

" Girl Mr. Dejong kinda cute " says Shenika as she giggles and opens her book

As we were doing our work, the classroom door opens. *GASP*
In walked through the door was the FINEST boy I've ever laid my eyes on!

" Um, I'm Dominic Carter and I've been assigned to this class. " he said

His voice made me want to melt in my seat. He had on a green polo shirt , true religion jeans , and some black J's. Did I mention lil baby had tattoos ?? Yeess lawd !

" Ok Mr. Carter , there are two available seats take your pick " said Mr. Dejong

The first thing I thought was " AWWW SHIT " because one of those seats were by ME , and the other by Chelsea Monroe. I'm not gonna lie Chelsea was gorgeous so I KNEW he would sit by her. Why would he wanna sit by me? My thighs and stomach take up the desk.

His next move caught me by surprise . He looked at Chelsea , smiled and walked right passed her and sat next to me.

I gave Shenika a look like " ooo girl he sitting by meee "

For some reason when I turned to look at him , he was already staring at me . He smiled a smile that made my heart almost jump out of my chest.

I slowly turned away and tried to do my work . I could still see him glancing at me from the corner of my eye.

He chuckled. " Are we gonna keep playing eye tag or are you gonna tell me what your name is lil ma ? "

I looked at him a little shocked. " Um, playing eye tag? "

He laughed " I see you eyeing me out the corner of yo eye , whats yo name ma? " " I'm Dominic "

" I'm Jenae' . "

" Jenae' , I like it. " he smirked

" Um, thanks. "

*** RING***
Thats the bell for 2nd hour.

" Girl lets go! You know Ms. Washington old ass like to give detentions if we late! "

" Girl yes , lets go. " I grabbed my bag

When I get to Ms. Washington's door I see Dominic down the hall looking all good. But also lost. I walk to where he is.

" You look lost."

" A little. Where is Mr. Scott?"

I grab his schedule. Not only do I see that his class is next to mine but the majority of the classes that he has are similar to mine. That makes me kind if happy

" He's right here"

" Thanks ma. I have A lunch what about you? "

" I do too. "

" I'll meet you after class. I'll be eating with you. " he winked and walked away.

*** LUNCH***

2nd period went by kind of fast. All I could think about was that wink. What did he do that for?

When we got to our table it was just Dominic and I because Nika had a test to finish and took her food with her.

" So are you always this quiet?" He asked

" No. I just don't know you."

"All that can change ma" he grinned

I couldn't help but smile. "Oh really?"

He got up and sat by me. " You got a boyfriend?"

I sighed and looked away. " No. "

" Why not?" He asked

" Don't act like you don't know . I'm big and unattractive and no one wants a girl with all this extra.. " before I could finish my sentence he interrupted me.

He turned my face towards him " I don't see a problem with your " extra " I think you're beautiful and you should think the same." He gazed into my eyes " Don't say that again Jenae' or we gon have a problem. You feel me lil shorty?"

I nod " Sorry , and um thanks"

He chuckled " No problem lil shorty"

He's been callin me " Lil Shorty" since we started walking to lunch.

" Aye mane why you gotta call me short?!"

He laughs " Cause you shorter than me ! .. Shorty! " we can't help but laugh. " I love your smile .. Making you smile "

*** After School ***

Shenika and I spent the whole afternoon together doing homework , talking about them rusty ass teachers .. And ofcourse Dominic

... " All I'm saying is girl it looks like homeboy got a lil thang for ya. He might become yo baby daddy. "

We burst out laughing , as I walk her out. " Girl you a mess. He probably being friendly. You know these niggas will mislead ya . " I said

" True , but he still fine. " she said. Then we hugged and she left.

*** That night***

It was a long day and after a long nice hot shower , I brushed my teeth and jumped in my bed . I was so tired. I tried sleeping but all I could think about was him ..
His smile , his dimples , his tattoos , his laugh.

Do I have a CRUSH on the new boy?!

This is my First Book leave comments , like , share or whatever !!

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