Lord help us

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Jenae's P.O.V.

I was pacing back and forth in my room stressed the fuck out. I had to tell Jonathan the truth about Dominic coming over yesterday and now Jonathan and my mama are getting ready to meet him! He's on his way over..


"Now you wanna talk to me about this or you want ya mama to take you to the doctor about that "rash"?" My heart was racing a mile minute.

"Ok." I got up and opened the front door.

"Where you going?" He said.

"We going for a walk... We always take a walk when we have daddy-daughter time." He got up off the couch and we went for a walk.

As we were walking I started going through the things I was getting ready to tell Jonathan. I even thought of all the possible scenarios that could happen. If he yelled I'd cry, and if he tried to whoop my ass, I'd RUN MY ASS TO SHENIKA HOUSE AS FAST AS MY SHORT LEGS COULD RUN.

I took what might be my last damn breath! And decided to fess up.

"Look.. I didn't plan on this happening.

I didn't know Dom was coming over yesterday. He came over and there was a lot of talking and tears and things happened. I'm so sorry. I know you expect more out of me." I walked slow with my head down. Feeling pathetic.

Jonathan grabbed my shoulder and lifted up my chin and looked me in my eyes. "I don't expect anything from you but for you to be you.. All I ask is for you to be truthful."

I just smiled a small smile and nodded. "Now tell me that fool used protection.. I will put his ass back in the hospital."

"Hell yeah he did!" I said.

"Good, because I'm not ready to be a PaPa."

I just bust out laughing. He says in the future my kids are gonna call him PaPa. It was the cutest thing though. Jonathan was like my bestfriend.. But at the same time he was father figure that is very much needed in my life.

"Speaking of PaPa.. I could of sworn I heard you call me daddy in the house." He said looking at me with a smirk.

"It was an expression. You know what I mean!" I nudged him with my elbow. I'm not gon flex.. Even though I tell myself all the time NO ONE is gonna replace my dad.. Jonathan is kinda like my dad. Yeah he let a nigga cuss and even sometimes let me take a sip of his drink and don't tell my mama when I do crazy shit. But he IS like my dad. My dad barely does anything for me. If I need money for ANYTHING Jonathan got me.. If I ask my dad he'll say some shit like "Ask yo mama." Long story short! Jonathan is my dad I just don't call him dad! Don't get it twisted, I love my real dad.. He just don't do no fatherly shit.

"Yeah yeah yeah. But you are my daughter!" He pointed at himself when saying my daughter. "And because you're my daughter I wanna meet this Dominic nigga!"

My eyes got wide. "When?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. You choose the time, I got tomorrow off."

"You serious bruh?"

"Hell yeah. Didn't you wanna meet me when I got with yo mama?"

I laughed. "Hell yeah. I had to make sure you was the right man for my woman shid!"

"Exactly, I gotta make sure Dominic the right one for MY little woman!" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I wasn't scared.. I was just worried how Jonathan would act when he meets Dom. He'd look at him and see that he's the nigga that did me wrong and then put hickies on my body.. Jonathan ain't mean but when it comes me and ma! Jonathan will get protective as hell! I hope the Lord sends down an angel to protect Dominic!

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