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Jayden P.O.V.

I'd been calling Jenae' , texting, and facetiming for the past three days. No response. I came by her house Tuesday to see why she hadn't come to school cause obviously she wasn't responding to any of my calls and Ma Kim and Jonathan said she had went to West Palm for something involving her nigga Dominic.

Me and Jenae' have history we go waaaaay back to 8th grade. She my little sister. All that I've been through she's been right there. My mom fuckin with a drug dealer so she chase the streets a lot and my dad ain't around at all. Ma Kim has pretty much been mothering me since all my mom does is run the streets with that nigga. Yeah my mom gives me the world. I got the best clothes , a car you name it but all that don't mean shit cause there's no love in it. All the love from a mom that I'm supposed to get comes from Mama Kim.. Point blank period. Jenae' and her family are my family. They all I got.

For me not to hear from Jenae' in 3 DAYS made me worried cause we talk non stop. She could have at least text me to let me know things are okay. When I was on my way home from work at Steak and Shake I seen Jonathan and mama Kim pulling into the plaza , I met them at the stop sign .

I rolled down the window and Jonathan rolled down his. "Jay what's up boy!" Jonathan said .

"Aye what's good Jonathan. Maaaaa." I said.

"Hey son." Mama said.

"Hey man where you taking my mama?" I asked Jonathan.

"Red lobster. I swear you and Jenae' always gotta be in a man business." He said laughing pushing his dreads out of his face.

"Wait a minute." I looked over to ma. "Jenae' back home?" I said.

"Yes your sister home boy." Mama Kim said making sure she made the word sister sound like a little kid said it.

"Ok I'ma see yall later I'm fina slide by there before I go home."


I pulled up to the house and parked in the drive way. I took off my work hat and name tag and pulled the keys out the ignition and got out my Nissan Altima 2013. I used the key clicker to lock to door behind me and I walked up to the porch.

I got to the door and knocked. After about a good minute the door opened.

It was that nigga Dominic. "You at my girl house because?!" He said.

I felt kinda disrespected because here he is asking me what I'm doing here when he at MY sister house opening doors like he live here or some shit.

"Where Jenae'?" I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"She in the shower. What you want?"

Bruh I was giving it everything I had to not lose my temper. I got anger problems and homie pushing it.

"I gotta--" I was about to speak but Jenae' spoke.

Jenae's P.O.V.

I get out the shower and hear Dom talking so I walk out and see him at the door. "Who that is at the door?" I asked.

"It's me Nae. Now can you let me in." Jayden said.

I walked over to open the door wider to see Jayden standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey come in." I said moving Dominic to the side.

He came in and looked in between Dom and walked over to me and wrapped me into his embrace. "The hell has been going on? I been calling yo lil ass." He said looking down at me. Jayden was as tall Dominic.

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