Chapter 4

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Shirley's Pov

"Maa, where's pez? ", that question took me by surprise. We were trying to avoid it but we knew it was going to come soon.

Zayn must have sensed the silence, cause he was breathing hard now. Something that was worrying me.

He doesn't have an oxygen mask attached now so it will take him some time to adjust and panicking won't help.

As much as he was trying to act brave, I knew his condition was fragile. He was not ready to heed this.

Before Liam or his family could declare anything I decided to take the situation in my hands.

"You mean Perrie? Your girlfriend?"I tried to ask about uncertainty, although I very well knew the truth.

His eyes lit up and he shook his head vigorously while the rest looked at me in pandemonium.

"Well, we called her, she will try to take the next quick flight she can", Trisha answered, understanding my intentions. I couldn't see her eyes, but I wonder how come she is so strong?

His tensed shoulders rested and an immediate smile occurred on his caramel face.

"Ah, I knew I was overthinking!", he exclaimed and I could see the hurt and concern on his family's faces.

We needed a distraction and like God heard my prayers, there stood Louis on the door.

His face was emotionless and those perfect blue eyes were glossy. We still don't know how much of our conversation he has heard, but we can't risk him around Zayn, not until he knows the truth.

Zayn's happiness was at its peak and he literally jumped out of his seat, "Louis!" It's a wonder he has so much energy after waking from a coma.

He has a really strong will or we can call him lucky, otherwise, he won't have woken up so soon.

Louis was still standing on his spot as if his legs were glued to the ground. I looked at Liam and gestured to him to do something. He ran towards the older lad hugging him quickly.

You could have literally cut the tension in the room with a knife. We all were on the edge of our seats not knowing how to act.

I should not feel like that, cause I have seen a lot worse cases than this. But my emotional attachment here is the reason I'm so helpless.

Liam held his hand and literally dragged him near Zayn. He smiled at Zayn's family whereas they just stared, too caught up to react.

Zayn pulled Louis in a hug just the way he did with Liam. Louis was looking at us sceptically, he must be so confused.

"We were talking about you a few minutes ago", Zayn smiled while giving up on the hug. His accent was quite thicker than usual, maybe because of the heavy drugs they gave him. Louis forced a fake smile, but his eyes were glistening.

Liam was nervously glancing between me and Louis. I have to do something before the situation goes out of hand.

"Hey Zayn, I'm glad you are fine", Louis muttered in his soft voice stroking Zayn's shoulders. He then looked towards Liam who just shrugged. Hush, thank god he didn't say anything else.

"Well you guys can meet later, now I need Zayn to rest, and so many people can't stay here at once", I blurted out, back to my role. Zayn was obviously opposing, but the rest didn't have to be told twice.

I asked my partner Dr.Williams to take hold and headed to my cabin.

Liam and Louis disappeared somewhere but I let them be, I think Liam would need some alone time to explain everything to Louis.

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