Chapter 7

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An author's note at the start. Sorry for annoying you all. Just wanna say that the chapter is written in third person's Pov, thought of informing you, so you won't get confused. Enjoy.xx

As the boys saw Shirley stepping into the room, relief washed over their faces. Gigi was also walking behind her. Her eyes were dry now as if no tears were left to shed.

She was tired of this empty feeling. Her stomach was pathetically groaning and she was trying not to throw up.

Blocking all her thoughts, she looked up and gave Harry a smile, she was really grateful that he showed up.

According to Zayn, Harry is the only one who doesn't talk to him now, so she was doubtful about his arrival.

Shirley left her alone in the cafe as there was some emergency and when she returned she found her sitting near the children's room, laughing and chirping with those innocent angels. She felt so peaceful at that moment.

"Thank god you are back! We all are here now, tell us your further strategies", Niall cried impatiently. He had a lot of doubts and Shirley was the only one who held answers.

He didn't know what changed Harry's mind but was really thankful that the younger lad was taking this so well. He is really scary when he gets angry.

Before anyone could say anything further, Shirley stopped them, "Guys, I am not here to talk about Zayn. I don't think you all are in that condition. I am just here to inform you that visiting hours are over. Go and take some rest, let's meet here tomorrow".

Of Course they protested but she knew they were emotionally drained and needed some time, especially Gigi.

"Besides, my shift has ended an hour ago!", she added knowing that they won't argue if she says that.

To be honest she won't mind staying with them for the entire night. No one is waiting for her at home anyway, except for her pathetic mother.

Going home is her worst nightmare sometimes. But she can't let that woman ruin her life anymore. Her mother has controlled her throughout her childhood, she can't let that emotional abuse get to her future.

"Can we see Zayn before going? Only from outside!", Niall asked her, heaving out a sigh. He was raring to see the Bradford lad.

She didn't allow it. Visiting hours were over and she couldn't break hospital rules for them. But it was not fair on his side that Louis and Liam got to see him but he didn't.

Though he had a sneak peek while coming here, but hey what they don't know won't hurt them right? And he definitely wanted to see Zayn again.

Shirley decided to head home and let them have some time. Only one person was allowed at night and boys let Yaser stay, only when he promised that he will go home the next day and they will handle everything.

"So where are you heading?", Liam asked Gigi after no one was ready to speak up.

They were just standing on their side of the room and staring at the ground, the air was dangerously hot and Liam wanted to ease it.

"Going to Zayn's place. Trisha needs me!", the blonde girl muttered, deciding whether to ask them to join her.

"You guys are welcomed as well", she finally muttered looking up at them.

They have kept all their fights and personal problems aside for Zayn, it's the least she can do for them.

Even though they think she doesn't know them, she has heard countless times about these four people who are everything to her boyfriend.

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