Chapter 30

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Harry's pov

I demanded Liam to leave me alone for a while. I wanted to talk with Zayn without having to feel conscious. I kept on telling myself that this was not a goodbye but a hearty request for a new start.

Louis has been MIA ever since we arrived and Niall and Liam were outside for guard duties. I don't want to get caught again. That would be so embarrassing.

Chuckling at the thought I moved my wheelchair, never Zayn's bed. He was just like the last time I saw him but paler, more tired. As if life was slowly fading out of him.

The thought sent a cold shiver to me and I clutched his warm hand which reassured me somehow.

Tears were overflowing from my eyes. He could hear me and I have to coax him out of here. Louis has given up but I can't.

"Hey, I know all of the boys came out here to pour their hearts out. That was my intention as well but then I thought this isn't the right way", I smiled knowing very well he couldn't see me.

I ran a hand down his cheeks, full of beard which was now bigger and thicker. I should ask a nurse to shave it.

"It isn't fair to you. They might say their peace but what about yours? Your pain? Your side of the story? Your anger?", I uttered. My throat is still hurting from the strain to speak.

"They think it's too late for you. Prove them wrong. Come back to us. Fight with me. I want you to face me when I come to talk to you. I promise I won't be a coward this time", just then I realized that he isn't the Zayn I was with for a past month. This Zayn knows everything I did.

"You might remember everything now. You might hate me. But I want to make things right. Please come back. One chance is all I ask from you!", I sobbed in my arms.

When I lifted my face up I was hit with a terrific realization. Zayn's eyes were scrunched up and tears were flowing from them.

I panicked. Was this supposed to happen? Is this normal? Nevertheless, I called for Liam and Niall while still shaking him or expecting something to happen.

Once they understood the situation from my uneven words and whimpers, Liam rushed to bring Jacob and Shirley.

"Zayn? Are you in pain? What is wrong with him Harry?", I could see Niall was on the verge of a breakdown. He sat on the black-haired boy's bed while trying to talk with him.

"Calm down Nialler. Once the doctors arrive we will know. Let's just wait here okay", as soon as I said that Zayn's team of doctors ran in the room.

Liam moved my wheelchair out of the room whereas Niall followed us with tired eyes. His attempt of waking Zayn up was to no avail.

He slumped against a wall while Liam and I waited beside the door. I don't remember how many times we were here in this position anticipating the results. It was getting extremely exhausting.

"What happened guys? I heard Niall sob", Louis rushed to us from God knows where he went. I just snorted. This man was getting on my nerves. He was back to hiding something face and I had no intention of knowing what it was.

Liam told him everything and suggested to call the family. But Louis stopped him.

"Let's first see what Shirley says", he said as he sat beside Niall who was just silently listening to the conversation.

After a while, the doctors finally came out. Their expressions were unreadable. Aren't they always though? They are so used to interacting with families that they have mastered controlling their emotions.

Shirley could never hide it from us though. But today she has a very confused look in her eyes. She stood mum as Jacob did most of the talking.

"He is fine you guys. In fact, it's a good thing that you saw him cry, Harry", he gave me a smile which said something else though.

"This confirmed that he could hear you. He is able to respond to us through rolling of his eyes", once Dr William said that we all started smiling crazily but still wary of celebrating completely. There is always a but...and here it comes.

"Though, it means that he is in a vegetative state. There is no saying when a person in this state would wake up", Shirley whispered as her voice trembled.

She couldn't be strong anymore I think, because she ran away from our eyesight.

We stood there unsure of what to do? We get this slight hope and then it gets ripped away from us.

While we stood there Louis decided to finally speak up, "How long are we going to do this?"

"As long as it needs to be", is all Niall growled. He was not ready to quit. Not when it came to Zayn. And I agreed.

"I'm afraid I don't have that much time. My assistant called. I have to go for X-factor auditions starting from the day after tomorrow. I can't skip this thing guys. It will also bring a high risk of exposing Zayn's health", he told us in a shattered voice and sat down. Well didn't I say I don't want to know?

"Well, then you go. And Niall too, you need to start touring. Liam needs to work on his own ep while Harry has a tour to plan. You can not stop living your lives", came Shirley's voice from behind us.

She must have gathered herself up. I'm always surprised by her strength. She and all our fans have gone through everything that we have. And I can say that they proved to be stronger than us.

"How do we do that? How do we ignore the fact that Zayn is in this condition and pretend everything is normal, huh? Do you think it's that easy?", I yelled at her but she didn't show any change in her expression.

"We...we just do", is all Liam said as he walked out. One by one all of them disappeared leaving me behind to drag my wheelchair.

I'm really sorry guys. But this is either the second last or last chapter. Thank you for being patient. I am writing after months and my skills have rusted so please correct me if there are any mistakes. Love you all. Stay strong. Xx

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