Chapter 26

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When Niall came back from the cafeteria with some coffee and burgers, there was a completely unexpected scene in front of him.

Liam was leaning against a wall at the corner and Louis was standing at the opposite end; his head hung low with shame.

The moment Niall was about to put his free hand on Liam's shoulder, the brown-haired lad punched the wall in front of him. Niall flinched, he was utterly confused about the sudden anger in Liam.

He looked up at Louis, none of the lads exchanged any words but Niall sensed that the tension was thick. Louis still kept looking at the ground.

"Liam! Are you going crazy? We are at the hospital! What the hell did even happen to you?", he whisper-yelled getting conscious of the crowd around them.

He kept the tray down and moved to inspect his bruised fist when Liam decided to talk, "Why don't you ask Louis about that?"

By the sight of it, Niall knew that whatever happened here, both the boys were acting childish. Louis pissed Liam bad this time though.

He angrily looked at Louis who started stuttering, "Um, nothing, I think the stress got to hi-"

Liam growled angrily, leading to silence among them. Well, now we know where little Bear got his name from. Niall was glad he didn't name him 'Tiger'.

"Are you ashamed to tell him?", Liam accused with bloodshot eyes. The lack of sleep was evident on his face.

"Look, I'll tell him but not now. We already have a lot on our plates", Louis conducted and that's when Niall decided that it's enough. Whatever is happening, he needs to know now!

He grabbed both of them by their arms and dragged them in Shirley's empty cabin. Now, none of them was ready to speak and Niall was losing his patience, "Spill".

"He knew Zayn was going to leave", Liam blurted without hesitation. Niall was taken aback for a while as two men kept bickering.

"Don't act as I advised him to go. I thought he wouldn't actually do it. And you know what? We all wanted to leave at that time. We were tired", Louis yelled.

"I was the only one that kept talking to him, who understood him. So don't even try to lecture me about it. He needed you and you decided to ignore him. When you knew his pain!", Liam countered back.

"Enough both of you. I can't do this now. Get over it. Nothing is going to change today if we keep talking about the past. What's done is done!", Niall shouted.

"Zayn is in a coma and Harry is unconscious for the last 8 hours. Both the lads are fighting for their lives while you both are fighting over useless things", Niall added further without shouting.

That's the reason he wants both of them to let their emotions out. They are always trying to be strong and then burst like this. He doesn't care if people call him weak for showing emotions, he is glad he does.

He knows what Liam meant but he also knows that Louis won't ever accept that he was wrong to not talk with Zayn. None of them would do.

Truth is they weren't angry as much as they were jealous. He knew the band was over once they drifted. They did it for the sake of being there. They were drained out.

They were jealous that Zayn had the guts to leave the band. That he could think for himself. That he had the courage to do it.

The room went silent as both boys calmed down. None of them moved, lost in their own thoughts. After a while, Shirley walked in, "God, I was searching for you everywhere. Zayn's family is here. Let's go!"

Niall noticed the food he kept on the bench before entering Zayn's room. He grabbed a burger and handed coffee and a burger to Liam and Louis before entering.

He can't help it. He gets hungry when tense. Besides, he has to take care of other boys because he was sure they weren't. And he doesn't want another one in bed beside Harry.

Zayn's family was in tears. Trisha was holding Zayn's hand tightly when they were told that he could hear them. They all took their turns to assure the Asian boy about their presence.

"I'm sorry but only two people are allowed around him", Shirley spoke after the initial meetup. Everyone except Safaa and Doniya moved out.

"When do you think he will wake up?", Trisha muttered amidst her tears. All the colour of the boys' faces disappeared. They did not think of it, too scared about the possibilities.

"We can't tell that. He might wake up now or after years or maybe not at all", the doctor said in a monotone voice. Shirley literally flinched at that. While others couldn't say anything.

Niall felt responsible for Zayn's condition, " I'm sorry Trish. It's all our mistake. We shouldn't have let him hear the album. We should have taken care of him".

Trisha didn't say anything but held the Irish man in a hug. They were sitting right outside Zayn's room and could see Safaa and Doniya trying to talk to him.

"He is still in there. He will fight this", Louis assured Niall or himself, Niall was not sure of it.

"Where's Harry?", Yaser enquired suddenly. Tears brimmed Niall's eyes as he shameless started crying. It was all too much.

He was in the hospital praying for his two mates. Never in a million years would that thought have crossed his mind.

He just kept listening, still hugging Trisha, now supporting him while Shirley explained everything to them.

"I told you to take care of each other!"

Trisha was yelling at all of them. After everything she went through today, she still had the energy to care for them.

"Um, there is something you all should know", Shirley interrupted them. Niall was not ready for another blow. How did his life become like this?

They didn't say anything letting Shirls continue, "There is a high possibility that Zayn might remember everything else but this last one month. And I suggest if it happens we should let it stay like that".

He was stunned. All this they did. All that happened between them. The change in the dynamic of their relationships. The forgiving part. Zayn won't remember any of it.

Tell me what ending you want. And I'm sorry if it's small. Hope you guys are still around given that I'm not so active here. Love you all. Xx

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