Chapter 23

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Liam's Pov

Just three days for us to get back to our lives. We have kept all our projects and personal lives aside hoping Zayn would remember everything. Until now, there are just flashes of the past.

Niall is touring next week and Harry will take off to work on his second album. The pressure is on Louis and me.

We have talked to our management to give us more time and having the same label is not helping. They want at least one of us to get our stuff out.

I decided to take on it while Louis is planning on judging X-factor with Simon. I can't frame in words how proud that makes me feel.

Zayn remembers only when he is dreaming or when he faints. Shirley's assistance has been proving well. But how will he get all his memory back in two days? And if he doesn't then how will he survive the outer world?

He said he remembers a few moments about his breakup with Perrie. But I feel like there's more. He is hiding something.

His only outlet is music and I'm astonished by his talent. We often find him making new amazing songs.

Of course, he doesn't know what he is doing. He says they are just for him and won't get them out. I hope once he gets his memory back, he will use them in his next album.

After he left we all sulked in our own way. I tried my best to keep a supportive front and was the only one who kept in contact with him.

It was when he released his first album that we truly understood him. His music was totally different and expressed the real Zayn. We had a taste of that freedom when we launched our solo music. Now, I can truly forgive him.

At about 5 am I woke up with agitation. All the boys were still sleeping and I decided to work. We try to wrap professional stuff when Zayn is asleep.

There is this urge of writing something down with all these suppressed feelings around me. I am still in denial that Cheryl is not in my life anymore. I have no idea what effect it will have on my and Bear's relationship.

Now that I feel heartbreak, I decided to let it out in my songs. Hence, these last minute changes.

Someone knocked on my door but I was so lost in playing my piano that I didn't even realize it could be Zayn.

You can say my luck is against me because I found him leaning against the doorframe with a grey cosy hoodie and huge dark circles under his eyes. He doesn't get enough sleep because of the flashbacks.

I can't even think of standing in his shoes. He has lost his identity, his future along with his past. It's not a journey of finding the past anymore, it's about who he was, who he is and who he will be.

"Are you working? Or is it just some warm up? Is it in our next? Can I see?", he enquired very calmly. He casually sat beside me and my palms turned sweaty. Why does this happen only to me?

I didn't say anything but handed him my diary. He gave me a weird look. A very dark smile, like he knew something, a secret he shouldn't know.

"This is cool, what's the name of the song?", he asked, keeping his shaky fingers on the keys. Just like magic, he cracked a tune I was working on for an hour.

"I'm not sure, maybe 'Depend on it', it's a really personal one for me", I smiled nervously. I get scared when he asks such questions.

"I can tell. It's totally not for our future album. I think I like your stuff. And how will we have an album if we are not even in the band anymore!", he avoided any eye contact with me, still concentrating while speaking this.

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