Chapter 18 Senior Prom Part 1

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Important Characters
Noah-The Nerd-boy
Noah's dog-Shadow-boy
Noah's now dog-Chance-boy
Sebastian-Noah's best friend boyfriend-boy
Sebastian's mom-Gabriella-girl
Sebastians grandma-Jimena- girl
Sebastian's Grandpa-Armando-boy
Sebastian's brother- Alex-Boy
Noah and Sebastian's Dog- Grizzly-boy
Noah and Sebastian's Dog-Raven-girl
Noah and Sebastian's Dog-Hanson-boy
Noah and Sebastian's Dog-Eclipse-boy

It's been about two weeks since Noah and Sebastian got Levi and Zyana home for the first time. So far everything was going smoothly. Levi and Zyana woke up every 3 hours for feeding time, play time, and snuggle time. Then they would go right back to sleep. When Levi would wake up from a nap or a deep sleep he does a faint cry. When Zyana woke up from a nap of deep sleep she would do a full blown cry. It didn't take Sebastian and Noah very long to get accustomed to things when it came to Levi and Zyana.

But this morning was different. At around 4AM Sebastian wakes up Noah. "Hey Noahy baby, I'm going to the barn to get everything ready for Senior Prom." Noah nods as Levi starts his faint cry. Noah picks him and puts the formula in the bottle. Then the water in. After it's filled to his liking he puts the bottle in the microwave. After it was warm enough he put his bottle puts a drop on the back of his hand. He smiles as temperature was perfect. He puts the bottle up to Levi's lips and as soon as he feels the nipple on his lips. He puts it into his mouth and started to suck it instantly.

Sebastian watches in fascination. Then after Levi was calm and Noah wasn't running around the room looking scared as hell trying to calm him down. Sebastian kisses Noah three times on the cheek and walks out the door. At 6AM Levi fell back asleep and Noah very gently puts him back into the crib. He smiles as he walks downstairs to the kitchen. Jimena is cooking breakfast as Noah walks into the kitchen. "Hey grandma." He smiles as he sits down. She smiles. "Are you going to school?"

Noah nods. "Yeah, I decided to do online classes with Sebastian. It was easier with having the kids and stuff." She nods as she smiles. "Well, I wish you the best of luck with that." Noah smiles. "Thanks Grandma. So, what are you making?" She smiles as she looks at him. "Magdalenas." Noah tilts his head. "What is that?" She smiles. "They are more known in Spain. But when I lived in Mexico my mother would make them all time. They are lemony, fluffy Spanish Muffins." Noah nods. "What drink are you serving them with?"

Jimena smiles. "I normally serve it with coffee." Noah nods. "That's interesting. I can't wait to try it." Before Jimena can answer to him. They both hear a ear piercing cry on the baby monitor. "Now, that will be Zyana. I'll be back." Noah runs up the stairs, into his and Sebastian's bedroom. Once he gets in there was slight crying noise from Levi and scream crying from Zyana. He sights as he pick them both up. He places them both on the bed. He sighs as he checks Zyana's diaper. "Okay, you need a diaper change."

He watches both of them as he grabs two diapers and wet wipes. He changes her first then Levi. After they where both done. He
looks at his little brother and sister as he softly starts to run his fingers on their  heads. Noah smiles and he feels their soft hair in his hands then after a while. He bends down and kisses their heads. He looks at them as he starts to hum a song that his parents used to do for him. He smiles as he wraps the carrier around Levi and Zyana, then finishes wrapping it around himself.

He smiles as he walks downstairs carefully as both of them are strapped to his chest. "I love you both so very much." He sighs as he sits down at the dinning table. Shadow came running over to Noah. Noah smiles as pets him. "Hey buddy. So what where you going to say grandma?" She looks at him questioning. "Oh, would you prefer coffee or tea with your Magdalenas?" Noah looks at her. "I'll try it with coffee thank you."

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