Chapter eleven

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When we got to the doctors, we were seated in the waiting room and we were told that the doctor would be able to see us next.

After about half an hour of waiting, and me poking daddy, a thin young lady comes out and called my name.

Daddy and I got up and walked after the lady, who I'm guessing is our doctor. "Now Jayden is it? You've come in here with concerns that you may be pregnant?" She questioned, like it was a normal everyday thing that a guy comes in because he thinks he's pregnant.

"A-ah yes that's me, and yes that is correct"

"Perfect, well I'm doctor Sonya. And it's lovely to meet you. And I'm assuming that this is your daddy next to you? The one who called?" I looked at her horrified, then looked at daddy with the same expression on my face. How could he tell her that, I'm so gonna kill him.

"Yes that's me, Mark. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." Daddy said so casual, like did he not understand how much embarrassment I was already in.

"Alright well I guess you want an explanation as too why you are pregnant, yes?" I didn't even get time to reply as she continued.

"Excellent. So it's not super common for a guy to get pregnant, but it's also not rare. It's just that you have an extra hormone, that mostly only girls have. And this hormone is what allows the woman to have a child, but in your case it allows you to get pregnant, now I know it sounds crazy buuuuuut... I do have a little pee test for you so that you can truly believe it for yourself, okay?" She sounded so professional but at the same time not, it was cool.

I was still trying to wrap my head around all this still though, so I just nodded slowly.

"Great!" She clapped her hands together, and got up to get something from the cupboards.

When she came back she held this... this thing in her hand.

It looked like a thermometer but I don't think that's what it is.

"Now if you just go into the toilet over there and pee on this for me, we can see if you really are pregnant. Okay?" She directed me to the toilet.

"Ummm okay."

Once I was out I handed it back to her, and went to go back to my seat but daddy grabbed my waist and sat me down on his lap.

I squirmed a little bit, until daddy stated to slowly bounce me up and down on his knee. I was starting to get sleepy from it, but then the doctor turned around and gave us both a big smile.

"Good news guys!" She exclaimed

"YOUR PREGNANT" she shouted in joy.

Omfg. I'm... pregnant. Am I even really ready to be a father, let alone carry another human inside me. What happens if Mark leaves me. He did state that he regretted not putting a condom on, does that mean he doesn't want the child. Will I have to be a single pa-

My thoughts are cut off when daddy's hand wipes tears off of my face, when did I start crying.

"Hey baby boy whatever your thinking in that little head of yours, forget it. I'm here and I'll always be here for you, and now our child. I promise you that" he said so confidently, that I had no choice other than to believe him.

I nodded then stuck my pinky finger out to him, he looked down at it then smiled, and wrapped his pinky around my own. We stamped it with our thumbs and sealed it with a kiss.

I giggled when we broke apart. And we were interrupted by a small cough.

We looked over to the doctor and she gave us a cute smile.

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