Chapter eighteen

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AN- okay so a lot happens in this chapter, just warning you guys. I hope you love it! And @cecy081 you guessed it. And your comments are the reason why I decided to write and post this chapter so soon. Anyways hope you guys like this chapter -sky♥️💖♥️

Jayden's P.O.V

"Congratulations guys, you are now parents of twins! When we did the first ultrasound the second baby must have been hiding behind- Wait do you want to know the genders?" Sonya cut herself off with a question.

I look over to Mark and see him nodding slightly at me, I turn back around to Sonya, "yes please." She smiles even wider if that's possible.

"Alright, well I'm happy to say that you'll be getting two healthy little boys! Oh I can't wait to watch them grow in your tummy! Now I would like for you to come in every month, just to make sure everything goes smoothly from here on out." Sonya has so much excitement in her voice.

"Oh my gosh baby, I'm so proud to be yours and I'm so happy to be able to be a parent of two boys! I love you so so much." Mark quickly wrapped me up in his arms with a giant smile on his face, tears in his eyes, as he gently kisses me.

"I love you too Daddy. I am so very happy to be yours, even though at the start of all this you kidnapped me, but I'm so glad you did. I would've never thought that my life would end up like this." Mark had a guilty expression and he ducked his head low. 

"Hey it's okay, I'm not mad at you. I was at the start, but then I fell for you, and you've helped me through so much, and you got me pregnant." I finished off with a quiet laugh.

"Wait, wait, wait, WAIT. Take two steps back. He did what to you?! He kidnapped you?!" Sonya was low key freaking out.

I looked over to Daddy and he looked at me, then Sonya, and back to me.

"Okay, look. Yes I may have kidnapped him. Buuuut I have reasons on why I did it, and I saved him from a bad living arrangement, and helped him with things. And yes I know it's very bad to kidnap someone, yes I know that if you report this I'll go to jail, but... I love him." Mark hugged me to his side and gently kissed my forehead.

Sonya looked torn between what she should do, stuck in her own thoughts. She slowly raises her hand waving it back and forth slightly. "Alright... it's just a lot to take in. And yes I should probably report it, but I wouldn't want to tear your family apart. Especially with Jayden due in fourteen weeks, but just know that, that was a very stupid decision you made Mark, and I'm very disappointed in you. You could've, I dunno, maybe asked him on a DATE. You know like normal people do, but hey whatever blows your hair back. Just know that I expected better from you, and you better never do any harm to my Jayden, or so god help me, I will bring hell to earth and you don't want that to happen." Mark looked like a child who had just been scolded by a mother. Which in a way he did just get scolded by a mother, and I can't help but smile up to Sonya.

"Yes ma'am, I understand ma'am. And I will never do any harm to my beautiful baby boy."

"Good. Now get outta here, you two ratbags, go home and cuddle all day. And enjoy the rest of your week. I'll see you in a months time. Goodbye." She stood up and showed us to the door.

"Sonya? Can I go get changed first?" I questioned carefully.

"Oh duh, yeah you run along and get changed." Mark looked petrified to be left alone with her, but I just gave him a small smile and a wink.

"Oh would you relax, I'm not gonna bite you or anything.... well maybe just a little nibble." I heard Sonya through the door and then her loud laughter filled the room.

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