Long Days

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"Magnus!" Alec said with difficulty whilst gasping for air. He entered the loft and saw that Magnus was laying on the bed. It had been a long, drab day.

Magnus had spent his day with clients. One after the other. A never ending cycle as it felt like. Magnus was exhausted. He hadn't even had the time to fix himself a drink nor feed Chairman Meow. He felt as if all his magic was drained. The clients were all a nightmare. One of them wanted to heal their broken heart after a"traumatic" breakup. Sheesh like there isn't anything a martini and a bowl of ice cream cannot fix. But, alas he was being paid a handsome amount of cash and it was certainly a price he could not refuse. Another one wanted to go to Paris. Magnus had the energy and the skill to make portals and the portals were one of this best skills he'd say, but the list of people he'd portalled to Paris was somehow even longer than the years he had been alive. He had been around longer more than he'd like to admit.

Though, after a long and tiring day, Magnus just wanted to cuddle with his boyfriend. But, he was so exhausted, he could not even keep his eyes open. The warlock fell asleep soundly on his bed. The silk sheets hugged him and he felt at peace. He did not even have the time to change out of his dazzling outfit into his warm and silk pyjamas he looked forward to wearing every night. Magnus was very very tired and before he knew it, he was dreaming glitter.

Alec, as the head of the institute was always immensely busy. The shadowhunter barely had time to call his boyfriend to say hello and hear his soothing voice. Alec had been over new assignments to all of the shadow hunters, approved 4 new young shadow hunters for their first mission and had signed off all the paper work for all of the completed missions. Jace and Clary were on mission the entire day and Isabelle was storing inventory and cleaning the weapons as the new master of the weapons room. Alec had been training in the training room when he heard heels clicking approaching. 'Izzy' he thought as he smiled and shook his head. He went back to training when Izzy walked in.

"It's late, Alec. Go to sleep." Izzy said very gently and yawned after. Alec could tell his little sister was very exhausted. As was he. He did not have the energy to argue, so he grabbed his shirt and put away his staff and made his way to the loft. As Alec was walking down to Magnus' house, he looked at the time on his phone. It was late. Very, very late. Alec was now worried that Magnus hadn't called him. Whenever Alec doesn't realize that he is working late, Magnus calls him to make sure that he is okay. Alec starts running. What if something had happened to Magnus? He was running faster than could breathe. His breath could catch up later, Alec needed to make sure Magnus was okay. Alec called abundantly and no one picked up.

Alec arrived to Magnus' house and opened the door with the key Magnus had given him. "Magnus!" Alec called out, gasping for air. He walked into the loft and saw Magnus asleep on the bed. Alec felt a wave of relief flow over him. Alec walked into the room. He grabbed a t-shirt and sweats from his drawer that Magnus had left him and he changed. He came out of the washroom and walked over to Magnus. He kissed Magnus' forehead and whispered "I'm sorry. I love you." and he saw a smile creep onto Magnus' face. "You're forgiven, I love you too." Magnus said sleepily and Alec grinned.

Alec hopped onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Magnus. They bth slept very peacefully that night, in each other's arms, right where they belong.

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