snowstorms with benefits

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sorry for being late! I was not home and i knew I wanted to get the story up,,, so here it is, better late than never, right? 

Skiing was a Lightwood family tradition. Every year, after Christmas, the four Lightwood kids: Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Max, and their parents: Robert and Maryse Lightwood, would pack up their belongings to head up north to Canada for a family skiing vacation. 

Jace and Alec always were the most competitive ones. They had a bet every time to see who can ski the longest and the most extreme. Isabelle had no interest in their absurd competition. Isabelle was more the skiing-because-i-have-to type. She did not particularly enjoy it, but she did not hate it either. She enjoyed the other parts of the vacation, like the cabin or the New Years party. 

This year, Jace and Alec wanted to see who could ski in the most severe and deadly of hills. 

"I'm going to kick your loser butt." Jace teased. 

"Puh-leez, as if." Alec said, "Just wait until we get to the hills and then we will talk." Alec smirked. 

"You guys are so stupid." Isabelle said, rolling her eyes. 

Jace and Alec stuck their tongues out at Isabelle in unison and Isabelle just laughed. 

"Proving my point further." she chuckled. 

As they arrived to their cabin, Jace and Alec did not waste one second. They brought their bags inside, grabbed their skis and ran outside. 

"We'll be back for dinner!" they yelled. 

Jace and Alec took to the hills. They put on their hats and placed their ski goggles above them. 

Jace looked over and saw an extremely steep hill. He also noted the "RESTRICTED" sign. 

"Let's go there! That hill seems sick!" Jace said. 

Alec was wary about this, but he was not one to back out of a challenge, so he followed Jace to the area. 

"Last one down has to buy hot chocolate." Jace challenged, as he slid his goggles down to his face and took his stance

"You're on!" Alec smirked, getting ready to ski.

Alec and Jace did not hesitate and both of them pushed them selves down the hill. Jace was leading Alec, but only by a hair. The boys went as fast as they possibly could, without falling over. Alec was the biggest klutz alive and had terrible balance, that's why he wouldn't take his chances on this specific hill. Without putting in to much effort, the boys were already flying.

Jace looked behind to see where Alec was. He looked over his shoulder and saw nothing but snow he was trailing behind. 

"Alec, hurry up! This is too easy!" Jace teased. Jace still tried to look behind him and he could not see a thing. 

Suddenly, Jace heard "JACE WATCH OUT!" from a voice that sounded exactly like Alec's. 

Jace looked in front of him and saw a huge boulder. He tried to get to swerve around it, but everything happened too quick. Before Jace knew it, his face had hit a boulder and his ski had cracked right in half. The hill was steep and there was no way Jace was stopping there. After getting hit by a massive boulder, Jace tumbled down the hill, still attacked to his skis. Alec skied down as fast as he possibly could to see is his brother was okay, not caring if he fell or not. 

Alec finally reached him and he rid himself of his skis and then Jace. He kneeled down. Jace was lying dead on the floor. The first thing Alec did was check for a pulse. He could hear breathing and he placed two fingers on Jace's wrist to check for a pulse. It was faint, but it was there. Alec slapped Jace's face, lightly to wake him up. 

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