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its my annoying face again! this is kind of short,, love you all! 

"Come on, Alexander!" Magnus called. 

"I don't want to play basketball, I do archery, remember?" Alec whined. 

"Well, that's too bad, Alexander." Magnus said, sticking his tongue out. 

Magnus and Alec had been dating for a couple years now. Everyday, they had found a new reason to fall in love with each other more. Every moment they spent together felt eternal, their smiles had grown larger and their kisses became more magical every time they kissed. Who would have thought? A Shadowhunter and a Warlock. No rules said they could not be together, it was just never done. 

Alec knew that Magnus was the one the second Magnus walked into his wedding. Nephilim love once, fiercely. Alec knew that statement was a fact. Shadowhunters do a lot of things wrong. They never love wrong. Alec knew he would never want to kiss anyone else, smile for anyone else, or love anyone else. Magnus was his and he was Magnus' for as long as Magnus wanted him. 

Magnus had not the best history with love. Love was something Magnus craved, yearned. He loved being in love. Except, it was not at all great when whom you were in love with, so madly and so deeply, did not return your feelings. That was often the case. Magnus loved with every fibre of his being when he loved. His feelings were so strong and so pure, that his lovers were often afraid. They did not cherish Magnus at all. Magnus was thrown to the side like a piece of scrap. Magnus had been with every species.  Vampire, Warlock, Werewolf, Seelie and even Mundane. Alexander was his first Shadowhunter. The very first Nephilim he had given his heart to. 

Magnus had always found Shadowhunters a nuisance. he enjoyed life in his Downworld bubble. Wherever Shadowhunters were present, nothing good ever happened. Well, except for Alexander Lightwood, that is. 

The Shadowhunter was so focused on his mission, that he had a different 'first encounter' with Magnus. Magnus had first laid his eyes on the archer when he was on mission at Pandemonium. He was so focused on killing the demon, that when Magnus first saw him, he did not even realize he was there. He walked right by. But, when Magnus saw that smile, the first time they both introduced themselves, Magnus was in it deep. No one had ever made Magnus feel this way. After Camille, over a century ago, Magnus had built up walls. The second he laid eyes on the Nephilim, those walls faded and his heart almost burst out of his chest. Feeling something on the first encounter was something Magnus did not do, at all. He had to meet these beings often to ever develop any kind of attraction or feelings towards them. Alec was different. 

Whereas, Magnus' other lovers had fled because of his deep feelings, Alec instead, without any effort returned those very same feelings. Alec just was so indulged by Magnus' presence, that around him, he did not see anything else. 

Magnus and Alec had fought so hard for their love. With others and themselves. Alec was about to marry a girl, Lydia Branwell. Who was beautiful and sweet. She was a lovely girl. But, Alec was not in love with her. Alec fought with himself daily. He was conflicted with his feelings for Magnus. He knew they were there, and Magnus had returned those feelings, but, Alec had to bring honour to the family name. 

Magnus knew he was whipped the second he laid eyes on the Shadowhunter. Magnus fought with Alec. He accepted his feelings and knew Alec returned them. Magnus had made his feelings blatantly obvious. He wanted to be with Alec. Ragnor told him to fight for love. He knew a love like this was worth fighting for. Alexander Lightwood was worth fighting for. 

If Magnus had been even ten seconds later, their lives would have been on different paths. Alec would be married to Lydia, leaving all three of them heartbroken. Alec accepted his feelings and finally, took charge of his own life. He knew he wanted happiness. He knew where to find it. A life of misery and happiness, Alec was in between. The life of misery brought honour to his family name and was the easy route, the life of happiness was disgraceful and the hard route. Alec also, in that moment knew that his love was worth fighting for. He looked Magnus in the eyes at the wedding and made his decision. 

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