it's all written on your wrist

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hey darlings! i'm posting way earlier because i'm not home on friday and i have no wifi or my laptop where i'm going,, so here you are! enjoy loves! this is also super cliché lmao

Everyone has a soulmate. Well, that's what we have been told since we were young. I know that we all have someone's name on our wrists, and that person is our soulmate. Or well is supposedly our soulmate. See, that person's name will be on our wrist on our eighteenth birthday. I, Alexander Lightwood, am 17 years old and will turn 18 tomorrow. 

This day has been dreaded by me for my entire life. I know I like guys. My siblings, Izzy, Jace and Max know this. The two people who brought me into this world do not know though. You better believe that they are going to be on my back constantly to see my wrist. I'm pretty sure the name on my wrist is supposed to be a boy's name, but when they see it, I do not know how they will react. I have a pretty good idea though, "My son is not gay!" , "Alexander, this is just a phase." 

I just hope that the name won't be too recognizable as a guy's name. 


Well, Alexander Lightwood is not a name I have ever heard before. My wrist has had that name for two years now. It has been two years since that name has appeared and I still do not know where or who he is. All I know is I am Magnus Bane, a twenty year old singer, who just got his first grammy. Out of all people in the world, there is an Alexander Lightwood out there that I have not heard of. 

I'm pretty sure he does not know that I am his soulmate yet. He would have said something. Well, I'm sure he's heard of me. I hope he has, anyway. I'm not hard to find. I am a pop sensation, the second he knows that I am his soulmate, I'm sure I'll get some sort of call. 

Tomorrow, I head back to New York for a staycation at home.I have not been home in quite a while. I miss my friends and my cat. 

Why couldn't the Chairman be my soulmate? Life would have been so much easier then. My cat is the one love of my life. Even though he does not seem to like me very much. I give him free food, he should love me. I spoil my baby rotten. One of my penthouses in LA is under his name. 

I guess I just have given up on finding whoever Alexander Lightwood is. He must be great. Well, obviously, he's my soulmate, I cannot imagine anyone not great. Our first meeting will probably be the best day of my life. After I adopted the Chairman. 

I board my jet and we are off for New York, to arrive in a couple hours. 



The time is approaching. Isabelle and Jace are sitting with mean my bed. They are more excited than I am. To be fair, I am not excited at all. All I know is that whoever this guy is going to be, he better be into loner, nerd 18 year old who only owns black. 


"I'm so excited!" Izzy squealed. 

"I don't know why." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Dude, you're going to find your soulmate, it's a big deal! He's going to be great!"Jace said. 

"Yeah, I'm sure he is, but I'm more so nervous for Mom and Dad finding out." I said, rubbing my arm. 

"They can't change who you love, and who your soulmate is, the rules say that you have to marry your soulmate. You know how Mom and Dad are abut rules. They can't argue with fate." Izzy said. She had a point. I mean, they can't say anything about what the rules say. Mom and Dad literally worship the rules. 


It arrived. The feeling in my body felt no different. But there was a tickle in my wrist. As if there was a worm wigging around in there. I shook my hand. As soon as the tickle stopped, there was pain. A burn. I held my wrist as the burn increased. You could see the words appear. My hand felt as if it had been stabbed with a thousand needles. This must be how it is to get a tattoo. As I removed my hand from my wrist, I could see the red on my pale wrist. Izzy and Jace hovered over me. 

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