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You nervously continue forward.
The feeling that someone is watching you has grown.
You shudder.
Suddenly a black figure with silver hair jumps in front of you. You double over, trying to fight back a scream and keep your eyes forward.

"Hihihi [Name]! Found you!"

Your eyes widen. "How do you know... who I am?!?!?!?!?!?!"

He frowns. "What do you mean? Kid, I know everything." He cracks up.

"What the hell is your problem?" you answer warily.

"Oh dear, heh, you seem to have forgotten about me! No wonder you've disappeared."


Without another word, he picks you up and jumps through the window.

You fall, down, down, and even farther. Where's the ground? You panic. How far up even were you?

Somehow he lands lightly in a room so bright that it hurts your eyes. "Ah, here we are!" He laughs.

You jump out of his arms and step back cautiously. You are in a room surrounded by books.

The Undertaker climbs the ladder up several shelves high. "Ah, [Name] [Last Name], where are you~?"

You sigh and sit down, officially creeped out.

You hear someone behind you.
"[Name]? Is that you?"

You sweatdrop. "Who are all these people..?"

You're suddenly pulled into a tight hug. "[Name]!I knew it! How are you?" You blush and step back.

"Uhhhh do I know you?" Cause I really hope I do... you think.

"Ah, here we are~" Undertaker sings from above you. "Your very own cinematic records~!"

Your vision fills with a movie. A movie of someone's life. But whose? Isn't that.... me?


Slowly you watch your entire life flash past your eyes. Your rather monotonous childhood, your sister leaving....

As your parents ran out of money and forced you to train as an assassin....
Your first job, a minor politician in America.

And all the jobs that followed, businessmen, politicians, Dukes, Earls, Counts, facing off against other assassins....

It all makes you sick.

Finally, you watched yourself stealthily creep into the Palace of the Queen.
You had always admired her strength and wisdom as one of the most powerful people in the world.
But in the end, it is your family and your life or hers.
The cinematic record plays, and you walk forward with a knife. Of course, a gun would make too much noise.

The Queen turns around with a confused frown, and suddenly jumps when she sees the knife in your hand.
"Don't even think about screaming," your past self whispers, putting the knife to her neck.

The Queen nods. "What do you want?"
You shake your head.

With a short laugh, you slice her throat. The blood drips down and stains her dress, her eyes stare hard at you, accusing you with her last breath.
You walk back towards the window, deep in thought. Not hearing the footsteps coming towards you.

The door opens. "Mother!" You hear a gasp.

Ah, shoot! The Prince. You spin around to see him pick up the knife you had dropped in a daze.

You draw a pistol and pull the trigger without hesitation.

The loud blast sends a flurry of footsteps running toward you.
Panicking, you try to pick up the bodies, but you can only manage is the queen. You scurry off to another room, dodging any humans you can hear.

And suddenly you come across a room so amazing you've never seen anything like it.
It must be the queen's own suite.

You shove the body in a closet and slam the door, panting.

"Your highness! Your son... has been murdered!" You hear outside your door.
You freeze. Cautiously, you answer back. "Oh no! Are you sure!"
"Lock yourself in there, Your Majesty! The killer could still be here!"

"Oh my!" You fake a cry. "My dear son."

Inwardly you smirk. All of these clothes around you.... the perfect disguise.

With a burst of willpower, you finally stop the records from continuing. "All right, Undertaker, I remember now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You growl.

"Ah, hee hee. But you didn't get to the part where you met me~"

"Did it ever occur to you there might be things I don't want to remember?!"


"I'm sorry Ronald!" You shout. "Please, just leave me alone!" You storm through a random door into a dark room...

And start to sob....

To be continued! Look for  ♕2

----------------------Only flashback of the series.... Finished! Great....

Your Life Is a Lie - Reader x Black Butler (Ciel, Alois, SebaWhere stories live. Discover now