Welcome back M4!

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Please note that I do not own anything except the plot.

From now on, this will be in Subaru's POV.

Today's finally the day we're going to perform our comeback stage. We were still practicing just to reassure ourselves. It's 9 in the morning right now. The girls and Boiled Octopus have been coming over everyday to practice with us. Right now, they dance so well as a group, it's almost as if they've been a unit this whole time. You wouldn't even know the difference!

That being said, we M4 haven't been slacking either, since we haven't perform,"ed together we were a little off when we first started. But now, I'd say we're back to the standard! The girls just finished practicing their stage for "STARDOM!" and we were about to call of practice because we have rehearsals later at the hall. We couldn't possibly practice outdoors because people would see us.

- After practice -

We gathered at the cafeteria after we went to freshen ourselves up. The girls were back to wearing their S4 uniform and their Admin uniforms. We also changed back to our casual clothes. Boiled Octopus exclaimed, "Ah! I'm starving right now! After a long and intensive practice, I'm craving for some good food!"

But then again, "When are you never craving for food Yume?"

Called her Yume, because I didn't want her angry at me. Seeing her angry makes me feel bad, even worse when I know it's me that made her angry. She pouted and went to order her food, I followed after her. The others have already ordered their food because they came here earlier than I did. 

When I got my food and headed towards the table, I saw Boiled Octopus eating her breakfast happily. I sat down opposite to her and started eating when Mahiru pointed out, "Eh? Subaru-senpai and Yume are eating the same thing for breakfast!"

Laura chimed in with the teasing, "Eh... You already do everything together, you're even eating the same thing for breakfast!"

I replied back nonchalantly, "But this is what I usually eat for breakfast. I think it's just pure coincidence that we both ordered the same thing."

They seemed to have ignored what I have said and continued teasing me while Yume was just eating her breakfast normally like nothing's happening. So I decided that I should finish eating as fast as I can and escape this hellish situation.

From now on, this will be in Yume's POV.

I quickly finished my breakfast because I wanted to go to the bookstore, it's quite noisy right now. Laura and the others seemed to be teasing Subaru but I wasn't paying attention.

I finally finished my breakfast and stood up, Koharu-chan asked, "Yume-chan? Where are you going?"

Should I tell her? I mean, I could get her advice, but then everyone here will know too and that'd ruin my secret... I shook my head and told her, "Nothing! I'm just going to go off to a bookstore near the town, there's something I want to buy. I'll be back in time before we head out for the rehearsal, so don't worry about it. If there's anything else you need me for while I'm out, just give me a call!"

I ran out of the cafeteria in a hurry, not wanting them to continue to question me. It'd get super awkward if it did. I wanted to go to the bookstore because I wanted to buy a sci-fi book for Subaru, as a gift to him for having their comeback live. I know he likes to read sci-fi genre books because Ako-chan said it once during M4's show when we first started being idols. Don't ask why I remember it, I just do. I absolutely do not stalk him or anything!

- At the bookstore -

I went to the bookstore, there's an unusual amount of people here today. Wonder why? I went to the sci-fi section to look for a book that Subaru might like, I've never really seen him reading a book, so I don't really know what to get him. 

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