Chapter Three (I saw her again)

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Suga's POV

I was so hungry before coming here. So, I just bought a sandwich and a coffee.

"I could have done more, I could have punched that guy." I am regretting leaving her alone.

Why am I caring about her? She was just a stranger and most importantly she ain't my type.

"So, why am I caring and still thinking about her?" I took the last bite from the sandwich, I can't eat anymore... Why ain't I hungry anymore? "Because you just ate idiot!" My subconsciousness was fast to reply. Okay, so let's forget about tonight... About her.

I took the coffee with me and started walking to my space. I opened Twitter and saw rumors about me leaving BTS... "Really, media?!" I don't even know about this, I smirked.

I realized I was missing my BTS family so much. So hurriedly I made a call to Jin.

"Do you even know it's 6:00 in the morning?!" he said.

"Suga here!!" I popped on the Suga.

"Oh my God Suga!! I beg your pardon but do you know it's 6:00 in the morning?!" he asked with sarcasm. "Is hyung on the phone?" I heard Jimin. "They are drinking again." I was sure about it.

"Yes, who else can call us at this time... After disappearing from here without a word!!" Jin said annoyed.

"Hey, Hyung how are you? Are you eating well? Where are you?" Jimin asked in his drunk voice.

"I am fine! I just had dinner!" I thought about her again. "I am in Greece!" I told him erasing tonight's incident from my memory.

"Jimin, Take care I need to go now." I cut the call. "I need to sleep!" tonight was so hectic for me.

I was in front of my rented house.

"Hello!!" A boy said who was almost my age.

"Hey!" I replied back without much enthusiasm.

"I am Joseph and I am your Neighbor!" he said with a huge smile.

"I can go inside, right?!" Why am I standing here listening to his introduction? It's not like I am going to stay here forever.

"I am Min Yoon, Neighbor!" I didn't tell him my full name.

"Nice name... Nice to mee..." I interrupted him by saying "Good night". He must be shocked to see my response because his eyes were wide open. I couldn't care more, I opened the door of my house and came inside. And slept again!!

Next Day

A girl in a disco, swaying her hips on the beat of the music, I went close to her.

"Hey" I shouted to her.

She laughed and she said, "what's your name trrr trrr?!"

I was too shocked to respond. She came close to me and I heard again "trrr trrr."

And just then my eyes opened. "Woah what a weird dream... Now I know why people call me player!!" I shook my head.

*trrr trrr*

*trrr trrr*

Oh, so it was my house bell *Facepalm* I literally did one.

I looked at the clock to see 10:00 am. Who in the world wants me this bad?!

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