Chapter Nineteen (It happened suddenly)

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"That was the day

When I found myself

And lost it soon after

That was the day

When I found her


I can't write the pain in words

It was and it still is that painful."



I made a face when I got to know that Aris was the one who wanted me there.

"Hey, Y/N!" He waved his hand. His voice showed a hint of anxiousness.

"What do you want now?" I asked him with a deadpanned face.

"You might not like the answer to your question!" He answered holding a stern face. And that made me think about what he said.

"I don't like you!" I said with a sigh.

"I know, and that's why I wanted to talk to you to sort out things." He started, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Which things?" I made a face. Is he serious?

"I just wanted to apologize." He said calmly. He is not a bad person! Why am I so rude to him when all he wants is to apologize!!

"It's okay!" I smiled a little.

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked anxiously with a smile.

I gave him a nervous smile and looked to where I left Yoon some time ago. I saw the same girl who came to deliver the message sent by Aris to me, hovering over Yoon with a drink in her one hand. I frowned at the scene in front of me. To my surprise, I saw Yoon whispering something to her. Woah, What is this?! So, is she the one who is his style now?

"I would love to, but I can't dance. I am sorry." I told him the truth. He just smiled at me and I left the crowded dance floor.

I walked to the 'lovebirds' who were whispering and giggling. I am not jealous!

Oh, you are!


She was whispering something in his ear, and then I pushed her with my shoulder. And her drink fell on her and maybe on him too. "Bitch!" I muttered under my breath and I heard a gasp from her. Why do I even care about them? I walked past by them and made my way out. I sighed loudly when the fresh air hit me.

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