Chapter Nine (He was my stalker)

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"I can't call her again.

I want to listen to her voice again.

but I can't even if I want too"

Your POV

My eyes closed. Yoon's lips were brushing against my lips, and my heart wanted more. I was waiting for him to claim my lips. His thumb slid from my bottom lip to my chin seductively. I wanted him to kiss me badly, but he was teasing me, and was barely brushing his lips to mine.

"aaaaaaaa!" someone shouted so hard, I was shocked to hear when I recognized who shouted. What is she doing here?

"Gohar, Don't come!" Nikoletta shouted again in a weird tone. Oh, So Gohar is here too! WOW... Nikoletta saw us this close and now Gohar. I can't face them! I looked at Yoon who was as shocked as I was.

"Nikoletta, Everything is under control!" A ball hit Yoon on his back-head. His expressions went from shocked to pained. Oh, my!

"Whoever you're, stay away from my friend!" Gohar threatened him, and he slowly turned around to see who hit him and was now threatening him.

"What were you doing to Y/N?" Gohar asked him, killing him with her words. That's bad, what if she will hit him more!

"What I wanted to do!!" He said sarcastically. Wrong choice of words, Bab... Yoon!

Gohar walked to me pushing him forcefully to one side. My eyes were on Yoon if he was okay.

"Are you okay, what was this guy doing to you... did he hit you?" She asked, her voice full of concern. No, he can't do that to me, he was so soft with me, so not like him with me. He was going to kiss me, and I permitted him to do that. He is almost my first kiss!

"Why is your face so hot?!" She asked cupping my face. Because my stupid body reacts to his touch strongly. I was never a person who felt lust this strong. Sadly, now I could feel it stronger than ever. All thanks to him!! How can I lose myself to him this easily?!

"Um... Um..." I stuttered, I couldn't lie to her.

"She was not feeling well, and that's why I was checking if she needs to visit the doctor or not!" Yoon helped me. I glared at him in response. Now, Gohar will drag me to the hospital!

"We should go and visit the doctor right now!" Gohar said looking at me. Wow, knew it!

"She will be okay. I think she needs a little rest!" Nikoletta jumped in helping me. She is a best friend for a reason.

Thank God Gohar listened that time, She walked me closer to Yoon, and I couldn't look at him I was so embarrassed because of my previous actions. At last, I gave in! He had the control over my body, and I acted like other girls.

Nikoletta dragged Gohar with her into the kitchen, leaving Him and Me in the hall.

He walked to me. My eyes were afraid to look at him, so they managed to look down at the floor. I can't give in, again!

"Y/N!" He called my name, removing distance in us. My body felt like burning. I couldn't help but look at him only to burn myself more under his hot gaze on me.

"You can't forget my touch, baby!" He whispered, His hand reached to me, his fingers were sliding up and down barely touching me but at the same time sending chills inside my body. "I will make this impossible for you!" He whispered leaning closer to me his lips almost touching my ear. His words made me look into his eyes, and I regretted doing it immediately.

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