Chapter Fourteen (My woman... No!)

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"I want to have that day back
I want badly that day back
Where I could look at her freely
Where I could see her smile freely"

Suga's POV

I walked to where that fuckboy was making his moves on Y/N. Y/N said something to him and was about to walk in my direction. She bumped into me. She was shocked at first, but her face relaxed a little when she noticed that it was me. My eyes moved from her frame to that fuckboy, who was still looking at her holding lust in his eyes. I gritted my teeth and made a fist to beat the shit out of that fuckboy.

I was about to walk to him until Y/N hugged me suddenly. My body jumped at her sudden move. I never expected her to hug me first. My body got relaxed after some seconds under her touch. Y/N was the first girl to hug me. Of course, I was a player, but I never allowed any girl to hug me. I bent a little so that I could bury my face in her hair, after that my hands automatically went on their own and embraced her back. That fuckboy cursed and walked off.

"Are you okay?" Y/N mumbled. Did she know that I was angry? I think I am fine, now that you hugged me! You are doing things to me... Y/N!!

"Are you okay yourself?!" I raised an eyebrow, breaking the hug but regretting it immediately.

"You know what forget that I hugged y.." She started in an annoyed tone, But I didn't let her finish her sentence and hugged her with more firmness than before.

How can I forget when you are the first one to hug me?!

"As you say, Baby! I will forget that you hugged me!!" I whispered faintly.

I can't say no to you, But I can't do what you want me to do!

"But I won't forget that I hugged you!" I said in my low voice, showing assurance. Her heart was beating like drums, It was like music to my ears, and my heart was not any less at beating loudly. I wonder if she heard my heart beating like crazy for her. My eyes went to that fuckboy who was flirting with Vasso girl.

"Don't go near him!" I murmured/ firmly emphasizing 'him.' I broke the hug and looked into Y/N's eyes. I was waiting for her response to ensure me. Gladly, she nodded with yes and somehow relief washed over my body. I smiled at her.

"Why can't he often smile like this?! He always smirks!!" She whispered, drowning in her thoughts, and she made a pout. I chuckled at her naiveness. She was thinking out loud and for me on top of that!

"Don't you like my smile baby?" I asked her in an innocent tone, knowing fully that she likes my smile. She was taken back by my blunt question and was trying to answer by opening and closing her little mouth. How much I love to make you nervous, baby!!

I bent to her height a little and brushed on the tip of her nose with my finger.

"I guess you love my smile!" I shrugged and smiled a little more.

"I think not, Mister Yoon!" She declined the obvious thing, and that blush on her cheeks was not complimenting her words at all. Mister Yoon sounds so sexy in her voice!

"That sounded beautiful!" I said in my husky voice. It sounds beautiful too! I smiled looking at her.

"Shall we eat, baby?" I asked is my soft tone.

"Yes," She answered immediately, making me smile wider. She looked at me for a second and gave me a beautiful smile of hers.

I don't think that she is just a challenge for me anymore.

She makes me feel things.

Things that I didn't feel before.

Am I in a trap?

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