Chapter Eighteen (She was there and I was lost in her)

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"I drank the beauty of her
Even the darkness couldn't hide her beauty from me
She was standing there breathing
Little did she know that She took my breath away."

Suga's POV

When I entered Joseph's home, which was blasting with music. My phone vibrated in my pants' pocket. I pulled out to see a text from Soomi.

“I am leaving Athens because my Dad is fixing up my marriage with some rich guy. I have to go to South Korea to deal with this! See you soon in South Korea!!! Enjoy the trip and yeah don't play with Y/N :)” I read the text with mix feelings. Why does she think I will hurt Y/N?

Because you just did yesterday!!

She pissed me off first!

Yeah, right!

You just overreacted!


“Do you need my help? Should I talk to Uncle? Have a safe flight! I am always here for you :D” I texted back.

“Hey, neighbour!” Joseph shouted with enthusiasm. He was trying to match his steps with the blasting music, but he was failing miserably at it. He is already drunk, and the party has not even started yet! I shook my head in disbelief.

There was a vast crowd in not so big hall. Some people were still coming inside through the door. The smell of sweats was active in the air. Beer cans and plastic cups were held by the enthusiastic yet drunk crowd. Some Lovebirds were seductively whispering to each other, and some were shouting and hooting on the beat.

And people ask me why I hate parties!

I rolled my eyes while taking a can of beer from the table. My eyes went searching for the person who was all over my mind. Sadly, She was not there yet. I hope she comes here!

I looked around once more to find her traces. Instead, I saw a familiar frame swaying his body on the dance floor. I recognized him immediately. What the hell is that fuckboy doing here?! I had the look of pure disgust on my face. He was grinding his body to a girl who seemed familiar too. Vasso! The desperate girl who wants to seek the attention of any passing by man... men!!

I frowned at the disgusting picture in front of me. Wow, heaven made couple! I turned around to carry on with my search. I was looking incessantly at the door like it was the most interesting thing on the planet earth. The door opened, and to my disappointment, a girl entered who was not the one I wanted. Since, when do I want her?

"Since, you laid your eyes on her for the first time!" My subconsciousness slapped me with the reality. And I couldn't deny the fact.

I know!

The door opened again. I was drilling holes at the door's way. I was almost disappointed when I didn't see her, but then Nikol entered, and relief came over my body. After some seconds Gohar came inside too.

I was desperately waiting for the girl who was on my mind to enter and then she came inside the house. She was looking breathtaking. My eyes moved on their own from her head to her toe. Oh God, She is here to kill me! And I licked my dry lips unintentionally and then she looked in my way. I was staring at her shamelessly with a look on my face that even I couldn't describe.But when she moved a lock of her to the back of her ear shyly, I understood what was showing on my face. I could feel the red tint on her cheeks even though the lightning was not sufficient. I suddenly felt the atmosphere around me was burning.

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