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(Yup. It just happened. I did that thing I wasnt gonna do but now am.)

I think I'm hearing voices. Oh well. Not the first time.

We were all, including Seamus, Harry, Draco, Ron, Blaise, Hermione, Pansy, and our Little ones, were all walking into Gringott's. Roy and Jeffrey were holding Blaise and my own hands while Wally and Sarah were being carried by Draco and Pansy.

We had walked inside the doors and Wally, who now has his cast off, hid his face in Draco's neck.

"What's wrong, Squirt?" Draco asked and we all looked to make sure he was okay.

"What are those? They look Scary." The young boy replied, tearing up.

"Hey, its okay Wally." Harry tried to call,him down before he started crying aloud. "They are big and scary on the outsode but they help people with their money and families. That's why we are here. Draco and I want to be your real fathers."

"But you already are," Wally said with his bottom lip sticking out.

"Yes, we know that. But we want everyone else to know that. This way, nobody can ever take you from us." Draco smiled.

Wow. Malfoy smiled.

Wally nodded and we all got situated with a goblin named Longfang.

(I dont know I just rolled with it.)

And I'm hearing the voice again. Anyways, Longfang took all of us into a side room and after a few small tanttuks and crying fits, we all managed to put two drops of blood onto four pieces of parchment, two drops and one parchment per Little.

We all picked them up as they started to form words.

Name: Roy Allen Thomas-Finnegan (nee Jones)


Biological: Desmond and Molly Jones (staus unknown)

Adoption: Dean and Seamus Thomas-Finnegan (alive)

Age: Five

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

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