Chapter Three: New Beginnings

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Chapter Three

New Beginnings

Once we had the Deviant Android in custody, Hank was the first one to attempt to interrogate it. He spent a good amount of time in the room, but nothing he did made the Android react. Hank made no progress, and was visibly frustrated by the whole situation.

"There's gotta be some way to get him to talk," I said as I watched the Android through the glass. "I mean, he was obviously defending himself."

"It." Gavin spoke up from the other side of the room. "It's an Android, not a person, Price."

I glared at him, "First of all: It's Anderson to you, Reed — Second: the point is that nothing we've tried is working."

"We could try roughing it up a bit," Gavin smirked, "I mean, it's not human."

I rolled my eyes, about to retort but before I could it was Connor who spoke up.

"Androids don't feel anything. You wouldn't damage it. And that wouldn't make it talk."

Gavin could be seen getting annoyed with Connor as he continued, "Deviants are known to self-destruct when in stressful situations —"

"Okay, smartass. What should we do then?"

Connor looked between Hank and I for a moment, "I could try questioning it."

Gavin let out a loud roar, laughing boastfully. I glared at him, turning to look at Hank expectantly.

He turned to me, then looked at Connor. He shrugged. "What do we have to lose? Go ahead, suspect's all yours."

I grinned at Connor as he looked at me, cocking his head to the side for a moment before turning towards the door.

I watched eagerly as Connor interrogated the deviant, finding myself paying more attention to Connor than the deviant.

He's pretty hot when he's doing his job.

I shook my head at the thought, trying to not look at Connor as I stared at the deviants file.

"You know..." Gavin leaned into me, the strong smell of his cologne giving me a headache. "I think we should go to the bar after this."

"Me? Go to the bar... with you?!" I let out a laugh, moving so I was as far as possible from him. "Keep dreamin', Reed."

"Oh come on, you're telling me you'd rather hang out with the Android?" Gavin moved closer to me again, his hand resting uncomfortably close to my leg.

"He's more tolerable than you, that's for sure."

As Gavin was about to retort, Connor finished his interrogation, signalling us to come in.

The deviant began attacking the officers that were trying to escort him from the room.

As Connor pulled the officers away from the deviant, trying to diffuse the situation, Gavin raised his gun at him, causing me to feel fear and anger rise in my chest.


I pointed my own gun at Reed, glaring unapologetically.

"You move another fucking inch, I'll shoot you!"

Hank raised his eyebrows, looking between Connor and I for a moment before looking back at Reed. "Don't be an asshole, Reed — Lower your damn gun."

Reed continued to glare at Connor, not lowering his gun. "Oh, this is precious — you've fallen for the fucking robot!" Reed snickered, looking at me for a moment before turning his gun to me. "Isn't that cute."

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